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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Thats a possibility, will look into it. Thanks for the plugin suggestion will look at it. I like the idea of executing snippets/work flows from a snippet. Would still be good to hear from Alfred dev if it is possible to reference remote files.
  2. It would be good if we had the option to reference an external file for snippets instead of relying on snippet text box. This could be a powerful tool for developers. For example... I am developing a website and need quick access to jQuery. I could have a snippet called with !getjquery which then calls http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js and pastes it's contents. Need to quickly copy in Bootstrap? File -> new -> "bootstrap.css" -> !getbootstrap -> calls https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css and instantly pastes it in your file. Save. Done. No terminal commands or google searches, or remembering URLs. These are just basic examples. You could build an entire snippet library of external files you reference on a daily basis. You could create gists or dedicate entire git repositories to your snippets instead of using the fairly basic Snippet textarea inside Alfred... they could even be shared within the community. If you have a fairly comprehensive snippet, wouldn't it be great if you could update it simply by making changes in your code editor and pushing the changes to git, instead of opening Alfred, copying the snippet into your text editor, making changes, copying it back, saving.. I have my own HTML5 boilerplates, css frameworks, useful snippets, small custom jQuery plugins... imagine pulling these in with one word !getsomething I know there are other methods such as Bower, command line, etc. and snippets built in to some apps.. nothing would be as quick as this and it would be system wide.
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