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smarg19 last won the day on February 16 2020

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    Classics, Epistemology, Applescript, Python

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  1. To everyone who still has interest in this workflow: I am sorry that it no longer works. I no longer need or use the workflow. I developed it when I was in graduate school and writing all the time. I have since left academia and haven't really needed this (or my other workflows) in years. However, I do still love this little workflow and would love to get it healthy again, but it has been years since I've fiddled with Alfred workflows. If anyone wants to become the new maintainer, I would be happy to spend a weekend afternoon or an evening pairing with someone to get it updated and fixed and then hand over the Github repo. Let me know if you are interested.
  2. Had actually thought about building something essentially just like this a while back. Thanks for the rec!
  3. I'm not exactly following. In Zotero, what field is the URL stored in? What do you mean by "if Alfred can find and export a citation based on its URL"? Do you mean use ZotQuery to find a particular citation via its URL and then from ZotQuery export that citation? If that is what you mean, then this could be possible, I just need to know more about what these URLs are.
  4. Yes. I have just fixed it. Will hopefully be able to push the new version this weekend.
  5. Did you install the Satimage package? It's a prerequisite of those features. You can start the installation via the wfy:install keyword. If you already have it installed, it would suggest that Evernote has changed something about its underlying notes structure, that will require me to figure that out. Can't give a firm deadline on that, but I will get to it.
  6. Joh, Sorry. Just came across this here. I see that you have posted in the workflow thread as well. I have been talking with you primarily via GitHub Issues. Just wanted to acknowledge to Vero and others that this is being worked on.
  7. Hit the same problem. The issue is that the codebase is behind your GitHub code. The slackfred-search.py file attempts to import requests and then tries to use it once for a GET requests. The other time, you use the web.py module from the Alfred-Workflow library. Your GitHub code doesn't have this issue. All you need to do is update the Packal download with the up-to-date codebase. - - - PS. Nice workflow!
  8. Not in any sensible way that I can of. I personally don't really see any of that, but I'm mostly searching for TV episodes and movies. Is there some way to tell easily? I could filter results, but I would need to know what to filter on.
  9. Ok. I know I've been MIA, but life... Anyways, I've given this a think and I believe I understand the problem. At some point, you *did* choose template as an option and you failed to pass an argument. When you tried to run this conversion, pandoc and therefore Pandoctor failed. However, there is a bug such that this failure wasn't properly handled, and this attempted run was retained in the cache. So, the "template=" option was retained in all subsequent runs. This is a bug. Thank you for finding it. And I'm quite sorry that it took me this long to figure it out. To fix the problem, go to "~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/com.hackademic.pandoctor" and delete "runner.cache" then run a new conversion. When I get free, I will work on a fix for the bug and push an update. One thing to note on using a reference.docx file, tho: be sure to pass the full path to the correct document (not a relative path, like in your example above) as the argument for the option. Or else this will cause pandoc to fail as well. You can get the full path by navigating to the file in Alfred and using the Copy Path to Clipboard function in Alfred's file browser.
  10. You need to run the command with Alfred's debugger on and post the results so I can have a better idea of what broke. One common issue tho: + do you have pandoc already installed?
  11. I am in the middle of some hectic work, but I will check in on this workflow hopefully sooner rather than later. Could someone post a list of the outstanding/remaining issues, so I know what to look for when I get back at it?
  12. TBH, I haven't looked at this code in a long time, but the speed is almost certainly not a Python issue. It's likely a toolchain issue. I believe that each time, the workflow reads BibDesks cache files. It would probably be better to have a background process that updates a SQLite database against the cache files, and then the workflow itself reads and queries against the db. Poke me sometime during the summer and I may be able to do that.
  13. You will need to use a little code to get the text from the web. I know Python best, you could conceivably use anything that Alfred supports. Setup Create a Keyword Input (use cas as the keyword, require a query). Connect this to a Run Script Action. I would then write a script that uses something like this Python module to get whatever data you need. Pass that to a Copy to Clipboard Action and your done. Obviously, the work-intensive part is writing the script, but that Python module seems to have that part pretty well figured out.
  14. Haha. If you knew how many times I've done stuff like that you'd realize why I can't require an IQ for workflows; I wouldn't be able to use them myself Glad you figured it out tho. And TBH, this will help me to deal with this problem when it (inevitably) occurs again. Pandoc is wonderful and powerful. And if you really start to use it, you should honestly check out my blog post on this workflow, where I explain Templated Commands, which are the real power-user feature of the workflow (the GUI for one-off conversions is the "normal" use case) as well as my Pandoc Templates (on GitHub). I have a nice Word DOCX template and a CSS file so that you can preview in Marked. With templated commands and the reference.docx file, I've basically got my pandoc workflow down to one step (run the Pandoctor templated command).
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