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Fast Spotify Search

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There are several Spotify alfred workflows that use the Spotify API, but are painfully slow. This is a very simple workflow, but is very fast. The keyword "SP" followed by a search automatically plays the track. For this to work best, just type song and artist. i.e.: "sp paradise coldplay".


The great thing is it searches Spotify using its online XML search and sorts by popularity. Which is why you can be unspecific on your searches and it'll still work. If you wanted to listen to the song "I Want Crazy" by Hunter Hayes, you could just search "sp crazy hayes" and it still plays the track within three seconds.


download it here: http://goo.gl/5xavj

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There are several Spotify alfred workflows that use the Spotify API, but are painfully slow.

As there are not so many spotify workflows in the wild, I feel like you're referring to spotify mini player( http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1892-spotify-mini-player-version-24/ ) here :-)

It does not use slow spotify API, but a local file representing the user library and everything is cached locally, so everything is made to be really fast. If you're looking for speed, you should definitely give it a try. And if you already tried it and found it slow, I would be interested to investigate in order to improve it!


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