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"Open Terminal Here" action destroys current clipboard contents


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When I select a directory 'foo' in Alfred and choose the "Open Terminal Here" action, a Terminal window opens and Alfred and the command 'cd foo' is entered.


At this point, my clipboard contents has now changed to 'foo'. This is annoying, especially if I'd just copied something I wanted to paste. Probably a better behavior would be to replace the clipboard contents after pasting the directory in, or to not even use the clipboard, right?


I'm using Alfred 2.0.5 and OS X 10.8.4.

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Well, if it replaced the clipboard after pasting the directory in, then it wouldn’t need to replace it at all, but I agree, it should revert the clipboard to what it was before (similar to what TextExpander does). In the meantime, what you can do to circumvent this is to activate the clipboard history feature (Open Preferences → Features → Clipboard); which means you can at least get back the content you previously copied.

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When I select a directory 'foo' in Alfred and choose the "Open Terminal Here" action, a Terminal window opens and Alfred and the command 'cd foo' is entered.


At this point, my clipboard contents has now changed to 'foo'. This is annoying, especially if I'd just copied something I wanted to paste. Probably a better behavior would be to replace the clipboard contents after pasting the directory in, or to not even use the clipboard, right?


I'm using Alfred 2.0.5 and OS X 10.8.4.



Alfred v2 uses the clipboard as a reliable way to bring the selection from any app into Alfred (instead of using AppleScript). As such, the clipboard contents will be the items you had selected when you showed Alfred.


I actually already have a ticket to look into replacing back the clipboard contents after this action has happened, but naturally there are performance / memory implications if the current clipboard contents are very large.


I'm moving this ticket to noted as it's already an understood issue :)

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