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Alfred workflow to launch Android Simulator

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I created this workflow that launches the Android Simulator.


It allows you to choose what Android Virtual Device you want to use.




In order to use it you need to create at least one Android Virtual Devices in your environment. Check the official docs about how to manage Android Virtual Devices


Currently the script filter use Zsh (because I use oh-my-zsh as a shell) but you can just change it to bash if is that what you use



Edited by edgar
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Currently the script filter use Zsh (because I use oh-my-zsh as a shell) but you can just change it to bash if is that what you use

As a small note, Alfred does not load your environment, so oh-my-zsh (a framework, to be more precise, your shell is still zsh) won’t be loaded, unless you specify it to be on your workflow, like you would (manually) do in zsh.

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