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Another Rotten Tomatoes Workflow

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For whatever reason I couldn't get the existing Rotten Tomatoes Workflows to work so I wrote my own.  Its pretty basic and has three main keywords:


"movies" to search for movies

"soon" movies coming out this month

"opening" movies opening this weekend


Too bad the Rotten Tomatoes API only shows coming soon movies for the current month.  I tried to get the movies coming out for the next 3 months but they just don't expose an API for that purpose.  Bummer.


You will need to setup a Rotten Tomatoes API Key so that the workflow will work properly.  First get a API key from http://developer.rottentomatoes.com.  Once you have the API key use the keyword "rottenkey" to set the API key.


This is my first published workflow so please let me know if you see any areas for improvement.  Finally you can download the workflow from http://scottwalter.com/files/RottenTomatoes.alfredworkflow

Edited by scottfwalter
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I've been using this without problem for a while.  Great workflow!  I've been looking for a good workflow to also include "similar" movies.  Rotten Tomatoes has a great algorithm for recommending movies and added the API.  Unfortunately, I'm out of my league.  I tried to use Scott's "movie search" as a template for "similar search" but this is out of my league.  IF anyone, wants to take a crack, they have a great example of API in action at on their API page: http://developer.rottentomatoes.com/docs/read/json/v10/Movie_Similar.





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