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Two actions in one workflow for iTunes [was "Multi-step workflows"]


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Those are not multiple steps, it’s simply two things in one step. That’s trivial to do, and many workflows already do it. You’re making a generic request, jumping straight to what you think is the solution. What you should do is ask for a workflow for a specific outcome, not for one built in a specific way.

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This has to be here already, but I didn't see it. I would like workflows that support more than one action. As a trivial example, I'd like to rate a song 1 star in iTunes and then skip forward to the next song.


When creating a workflow, you can connect multiple actions to a single keyword or hotkey. I've just created a workflow to do exactly what you want in two seconds, so take a look at how it's built for future reference :)


- I created a workflow from the Templates > iTunes > Rate track 1 star from hotkey, named and labelled it.

- From the + button in the top right of the workflow window, I added Actions > iTunes command, and chose the "Next track" action.

- I connected my hotkey to the "Next track" action (as well as the automatically connected 1 star rating action


That's all it takes to connect the two actions to a single hotkey, so it's worth taking a look and playing around a little to discover the many actions available by default.


Here's the workflow:




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