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Is there a way to copy the URL when you've pulled up a custom web search?

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There are many times when I pull up a custom web search in Alfred, but I just want to copy the URL, not actually go to the web page. Is there any way Alfred can be configured to do this?


Thank you!




This currently isn't possible unless you are doing custom searches with workflows as opposed to the default web search functionality.

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If you go to Features > Web Search and check "Store and show history of URLs used in Alfred". Also choose from the dropdown at the bottom "if not used for 1 year" to save them longer.


Then, so long as you've pasted a URL at least once into Alfred, you'll be able to type part of the URL to bring it up and type Cmd + C to copy the URL to your clipboard :)

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Thank you, both!


Vero, I do have Alfred set up like this, but the times when I need to do it the other way is when I don't know the URL, I only know the keyword that pulls up the URL.


For example, I can remember "Knitting Needle Size Conversion Chart" but I can't remember "http://www.yarnfwd.com/main/needleconv.html"


I'd love to be able to pull up that URL with my keyword and then hit cmd-C to copy. Should I do a feature request to add actions to the Web Search menu, or something like that? Or am I the only one who would use this..



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Thank you, both!


Vero, I do have Alfred set up like this, but the times when I need to do it the other way is when I don't know the URL, I only know the keyword that pulls up the URL.


For example, I can remember "Knitting Needle Size Conversion Chart" but I can't remember "http://www.yarnfwd.com/main/needleconv.html"


I'd love to be able to pull up that URL with my keyword and then hit cmd-C to copy. Should I do a feature request to add actions to the Web Search menu, or something like that? Or am I the only one who would use this..




Conveniently, I happen to have exactly the workflow you need then... ;)




The workflow contains four keywords, each connected to a page; "needles", "hooks", "crochet" (for UK-US terminology) and "yarn" (yarn weight chart from Ravelry) Change any of the keywords if you've got other more memorable ones.


In the future, if you have any of other frequently used pages (e.g. cast-ons, bind-offs, etc) just add them to the same page by adding a keyword object connected to an Open URL object.

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Thank you so much! For some reason the workflow is downloading and my computer isn't recognizing it as a workflow - no little hat icon. It thinks it's a textedit doc. Sorry to be a pain - did something happen upon export? (although I doubt it)


The file name should end with .alfredworkflow - but did you try clicking it anyway to see if it'll launch anyway? If the file extension's been changed, do Cmd + I on the file and add .alfredworkflow to the Name & Extension field.


Also, are you running Alfred v2? You can launch the preferences to the General tab where you'll see the version number in the bottom right corner. The current version is v2.5.1.

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