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Eject/Eject All lacks notifications for physical volumes


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For some reason, physical disks & thumb drives connected to my computer do not get notifications posted to the OS when I eject them through the system commands in Alfred. Oddly, DMG volumes that are ejected via Alfred commands _do_ cause notifications to pop up, letting me know the eject has been successful.


Alfred version: 2.6

OS Version: 10.10.2

Edited by rdg
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  • 1 month later...

For some reason, physical disks & thumb drives connected to my computer do not get notifications posted to the OS when I eject them through the system commands in Alfred. Oddly, DMG volumes that are ejected via Alfred commands _do_ cause notifications to pop up, letting me know the eject has been successful.


Alfred version: 2.6

OS Version: 10.10.2


Apologies for the slow reply.


I've tested this with the latest Alfred and OS X versions and can't replicate the behaviour you're seeing. If I eject a connected USB key or external drive, the notification for it appears as expected.


Is it possible that you're trying to eject a second volume on the same physical drive as another one you've already ejected but is still shown by OS X? And are you still experiencing this issue?

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No, it's not a second volume on the drive(s) I'm ejecting. One is an file-vault encrypted volume though (my portable Time Machine backup).


Edit: I just checked with a thumb drive formatted for Windows (ExFat), and when I ejected it, I got a notification. So it may be that my other drives that lack notifcations are all Mac OS X formatted + encrypted volumes.

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No, it's not a second volume on the drive(s) I'm ejecting. One is an file-vault encrypted volume though (my portable Time Machine backup).


Edit: I just checked with a thumb drive formatted for Windows (ExFat), and when I ejected it, I got a notification. So it may be that my other drives that lack notifcations are all Mac OS X formatted + encrypted volumes.


So your conclusion to date is that this exclusively happens with encrypted volumes? If so, I'll have a play with this and see whether I can replicate it. In the meantime, please keep me updated on any more findings :)

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I don't have a lot of physical media to experiment with, but it does seem to be a file vault 2 problem. I reformatted that vfat thumb drive as a Mac formatted file vault 2 drive, and the eject command failed to send a notification. It ejects fine, but I have to check the Finder to verify that it did eject.

Edited by rdg
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  • 1 month later...

I don't have a lot of physical media to experiment with, but it does seem to be a file vault 2 problem. I reformatted that vfat thumb drive as a Mac formatted file vault 2 drive, and the eject command failed to send a notification. It ejects fine, but I have to check the Finder to verify that it did eject.


Having investigated this further, it looks like a Mac-formatted, journaled USB key that's an encrypted volume doesn’t give an eject notification, while a normal non-encrypted one does. It looks like OS X takes a little longer ejecting these encrypted volumes, by which time Alfred is attempting to eject a second time.


I've added a ticket for Andrew to look into this further in an upcoming update. :)

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  • 3 months later...

I must have been busy when you posted, and then I forgot about the thread. Just to clarify, what you've surmised is true, but it's also true of an external Mac-formatted, encrypted & journaled hard drive hooked up via usb3… not just a USB key drive.

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