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Escape single quotes in run script/script filter


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Quite a lot of the scripts I run in Alfred involve handling multiple files (i.e. {query} is a list of tab-separated files). Without some relatively complex code (bash doesn't make it easy) that obfuscates the purpose of the script, they all break with files containing apostrophes. It would be very useful if there were an option to escape single quotes, like you can with double quotes.

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Quite a lot of the scripts I run in Alfred involve handling multiple files (i.e. {query} is a list of tab-separated files). Without some relatively complex code (bash doesn't make it easy) that obfuscates the purpose of the script, they all break with files containing apostrophes. It would be very useful if there were an option to escape single quotes, like you can with double quotes.


Would the following code not be sufficient? This will code will split the string base on a tab (alfred's delimiter) and create an array of the file names. It even works with file names that contain single quotes.

query="~/Downloads/file1.txt		~/Downloads/file2.txt	~/Downloads/file3.txt"
IFS="	" read -ra files <<< "$query"
for file in ${files[@]}; do
	echo $file
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