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Unable to Connect between computer and iPhone

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I am using Alfred version 2 on my new Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display.  I am using the latest version of iPhone, which is iPhone 6.  I am using the latest operating system on my MacBook Pro.  I am using iOS version 9.  I was unable to connect my computer with my iPhone with the Alfred apps on each one.  I tried it using Bonjour connecting on the same wifi network.  The firewall on my Mac is off.  I also tried connecting using the static IP address on the Remote preference window in Alfred and the port shown on that page.    When I try to connect, the Alfred app on my iPhone does show the name of my Mac computer, but it is never able to connect, neither through the wifi network nor through Direct Connect.  I tried turning off and restarting both my MacBook Pro and my iPhone, but it did not make a difference.

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I am using Alfred version 2 on my new Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display.  I am using the latest version of iPhone, which is iPhone 6.  I am using the latest operating system on my MacBook Pro.  I am using iOS version 9.  I was unable to connect my computer with my iPhone with the Alfred apps on each one.  I tried it using Bonjour connecting on the same wifi network.  The firewall on my Mac is off.  I also tried connecting using the static IP address on the Remote preference window in Alfred and the port shown on that page.    When I try to connect, the Alfred app on my iPhone does show the name of my Mac computer, but it is never able to connect, neither through the wifi network nor through Direct Connect.  I tried turning off and restarting both my MacBook Pro and my iPhone, but it did not make a difference.


Hi Paul,


When Remote on your iPhone shows the name of your Mac, did you tap the Mac to select it, so that it tries connecting to it? :)




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