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'VLOOKUP' of sorts in Alfred search bar?

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Hey guys,


I've got an Excel file with two columns being A. Names and B. a Unique Identifier for everyone


Would there be any way for Alfred to return the 'Unique Identifier' value based on the name I type in the Alfred search bar?

This would be like doing a vlookup of sorts directly within Alfred


Not sure whether this is even remotely possible... Thanks so much for your help!



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I've made a demo workflow for you (written in Python).
The source code in a GitHub repo and you can download the workflow file from the repo to give it a test run.
Hopefully, it should do what you want if you change the EXCEL_FILE variable on line 29 in search.py to point to the Excel file you want to pull data from.
If it needs more customisation, I encourage you to try to figure that out for yourself  ;)
Here's the documentation for the Alfred-Workflow library it's based on, and here's the documentation for the xlrd library used to read the Excel file.
Here's some more information about working with Excel files from Python.

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