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Chain keyboard inputs in Alfred 3

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Hi all,

I want to make easy maintainable workflow for bookmarks. And I do not want to rely on browsers bookmarks.


So my question: is it possible to make in Alfred 3 chain of keyboard inputs, so it will look/work as a single keyboard input?


Now I have a lot of keyboard inputs, which triggers open address action.

[<section key> <category> <key>] - (<open address>).

I want to achieve the same functionality with 3 chained inputs:

[<section key>] - [<category1>] - [<key1>] - (<open address 1>)
                                - [<key2>] - (<open address 2>)
                - [<category2>] - [<key3>] - (<open address 3>)

"a jira team1"
"a jenkins team2"

Where "a" - is a sction key, "jira"/"jenkins" - category, "team1"/"team2" - key.


Alfred 3 supports chained inputs, but it do not show next possible inputs after first one. Or I was not able to set it right.

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Alfred 3 supports chained inputs, but it do not show next possible inputs after first one. Or I was not able to set it right.



I think a single script filter with keyword a would suit you better. This way, you have full control over what results are returned in Alfred when certain keywords match. You'll need to do a little more programming for this though:







[moving to workflow help]

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