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Bug Reports

This forum is exclusively for bug reports. Please read How to Post A Bug Report below first.

All non-bug-report posts will be whooshed to another forum.

Reporting bugs in Alfred
Thanks for using Alfred! As you can see, the forum is very popular and all sorts of content is being posted. If you find a bug, please follow the format below to help make your report more useful.

First, ensure you're always using the latest build (open Alfred's preferences to the Update tab to automatically check for updates) before reporting an issue, as the issue may already be fixed.


Please post one thread per bug report with the following information:


* What you were doing when the issue happened
* Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action
* Include any screenshots that might help us
* Include the Alfred version & build number you are using (don't say "latest" - you'll find a version number in the Update tab of Alfred's preferences)
* Include your macOS version


The clearer the bug report, the more likely and easily we'll be able to help you resolve the issue you're seeing or fix it in Alfred if relevant. :)  


Please don't post feature requests in this forum as they'll be moved to the Feature Suggestions forum.



  1. Closed

    This sub-forum will contain the closed bugs that have been resolved. Check the build number in square brackets to find out when it was fixed.

  2. Investigating

    We'll move bugs here that we're currently investigating. These will either be fixed and closed, or marked as "not a bug".

  3. Noted

    Bugs or issues that have been raised and we are aware of, but may not be fixed at this time due to external factors (e.g. macOS bugs that can only be fixed by Apple)

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