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  1. Past hour
  2. The subtitle reads "Type a name or email address to send an email". When you start typing, you should see options from your contacts to send an email to. If the email function (built-in action) provides the pattern, then the other functions or perhaps workflows you're trying to use will require additional input.
  3. I just started using Alfred again after having left it for a long time. I am just starting to use what I think are workflows, but maybe are built in actions (for example, "send an email") and when I try to select it, either by clicking or by pressing enter, nothing happens. The option still stays on the screen but it is as if I didn't press anything. Any idea what is causing this?
  4. Today
  5. Depends on the IDE you are using... VS Code's CLI has the code --goto <filepath>:<line>:<character> command, for example. But how would a workflow be more convenient than hitting cmd+f, typing the word, and then cycling through the matches with cmd+g? About the arrow keys, I suggest setting up a "hyper key" and remapping hyper+h,j,k,l to the arrow keys via Karabiner or to just use ctrl+n, ctrl+p. Another option would be to check out how vim approaches the problem (incremental search), and to look for integrations with your IDE or to directly give (neo)vim a try. I don't think it's worth the effort, and I'm not even sure it's possible to devise a generic solution if you're looking to manipulate the scroll view of the app.
  6. Hi, i have several workflows to search through pdfs and images, and would like to use grid view for displaying results. But i couldn't find a way to make it work. I saw "Thumbnail Navigation" workflow in alfred gallery, but it requires first selecting folder. Is there any way to make it work "reactive" without unnecessary enter press?
  7. That's amazing. thanks so much Alan. Next stupid question. Can I download it and install it?
  8. Hello, it would be really nice if the Text View node allowed a custom CSS file to be loaded - so we can style different Text View outputs in different ways. Thanks for considering this feature – Nathan
  9. Hello all! I work a lot with code but sometimes find it annoying to move around in my editor, since my keyboard has small arrow keys. A workflow in which I could hit CMD+Space and write any word, press enter, and move to the end/start of the position of the closest (defined in some way) instance of that word in the text. No idea of how to go about this. It only needs to be usable in one app, and that app supports CMD+F to search for a word, but it does so from the top. Any suggestions on where to start with this, or if it's even feasible, would be greatly appreciated!
  10. you can create a workflow. I made a sample. download URL:https://github.com/alanhg/alfred-workflows/blob/cfc98d12b1b0a460930aaa494f4063212d5c0604/.sample/Paste in alphabetical order.alfredworkflow usage select multiline text and trigger `Paste in alphabetical order` text action. enter to paste sorted text.
  11. Hi there, Can anyone help? I'm looking to select text and then sort it in alphabetical order. Eg If this text below was on a webpage - is it possible to paste it alphabetically. Eg Simon Alasdair Vero June And paste it as Alasdair June Simon Vero. Many thanks, Simon
  12. In the app, yes, but not via shortcuts which is what matters for automation. That’s a feature request you have to make to Apple. You can use the Feedback Assistant app on macOS to do so.
  13. Thanks a lot Stephen for your prompt reply! I setup the system differently and now everything appears to run as it should. Have a great day!
  14. Just to add to my above message Alfred: 5.5 [2257] Workflow: 2023.5 MacOS: 14.4.1 Seems like you can set a label for timers too in the clock app. That would be a great feature to have.
  15. @OmarKN You can search for all your snippets by title and keyword from the Clipboard/Snippet Viewer, without having to drill down into a collection first, so you don't need to know which collection the snippet is in: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/snippets/#browsing-snippets Using Cmd + S will open the snippet, ready to edit, in the Snippets preferences. If you scroll down past the list of collections, all individual snippets are also listed in the Viewer.
  16. You may find this post (and the remainder of that thread) helpful. Stephen
  17. Hi All, I have a problem with my files to be properly searched through Alfred. I have a google drive added to Alfred search scope. Unfortunately randomly some files are present in search and some don't. I have the same results across spotlight and Alfred. I'm attaching output from file troubleshooting tool. Starting Diagnostics... File: 'Budżet domowy wydatki 2024.xlsx' Path: '/Users/adrian/Mój dysk/Osobiste/Dokumenty' ----------------------------------------------------------- Check file cache database... ✅ File cache integrity is ok ----------------------------------------------------------- Check if file is readable... ✅ Alfred has permissions to read this file. Unix Permissions: 420 Underlying Type: NSFileTypeRegular Extended Attributes: ( "com.apple.lastuseddate#PS", "com.apple.macl", "com.apple.provenance", "com.apple.quarantine" ) ----------------------------------------------------------- Check if volume '/' is indexed by macOS... ✅ Indexing is enabled on this drive ----------------------------------------------------------- Check direct file metadata... ⚠️ Direct metadata is missing, this file is likely not indexed by macOS Display Name: Other Names: Content Type: Last Used: ----------------------------------------------------------- Check mdls file metadata... ❌ macOS metadata missing essential items kMDItemFSContentChangeDate = (null) kMDItemFSCreationDate = (null) kMDItemFSCreatorCode = "" kMDItemFSFinderFlags = (null) kMDItemFSHasCustomIcon = (null) kMDItemFSInvisible = 0 kMDItemFSIsExtensionHidden = (null) kMDItemFSIsStationery = (null) kMDItemFSLabel = (null) kMDItemFSName = (null) kMDItemFSNodeCount = (null) kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID = (null) kMDItemFSOwnerUserID = (null) kMDItemFSSize = (null) kMDItemFSTypeCode = "" ----------------------------------------------------------- ❌ Troubleshooting failed
  18. @vitor I think this is an important need so that export speed can be improved. Thanks.
  19. Yesterday
  20. This makes sense. Let me ask differently. Any way to emulate how the Alfred file search feature but results show up in a Grid View?
  21. Sorry, but this is not satisfactory. I have 15 Collections of snippets with about 15 snippets each (yes I'm an avid user of snippets 🙂) ≈ 220 snippets. This would be be my feature request: **Search all snippets from a search window.** The viewer is just opening the list of collections.
  22. Ok thanks for your reply. I do use the shortcuts to copy the last answer and then paste it to a text editor so I can keep it on the screen but I find it frustrating, it would be great just to be able to "pin the alfred window", also useful in other workflows.
  23. What you seem to be looking for is fuzzy finding. FZF is a community workflow for that.
  24. Great workflow. Sadly it doesn't pass the label it seems. I definitely set one. I'm on macOS 14.4.1 This is the debug panel output [5:44:13.167 PM] Shrieking Chimes[Keyword] Passing output '5:46pm' to Arg and Vars [5:44:13.169 PM] Shrieking Chimes[Arg and Vars] Processing complete [5:44:13.170 PM] Shrieking Chimes[Arg and Vars] Passing output '' to Keyword [5:44:24.788 PM] Shrieking Chimes[Keyword] Processing complete [5:44:24.810 PM] Shrieking Chimes[Keyword] Passing output 'TEST LABEL' to Arg and Vars [5:44:24.811 PM] Shrieking Chimes[Arg and Vars] Processing complete [5:44:24.812 PM] Shrieking Chimes[Arg and Vars] Passing output 'alarm 5:46pm TEST LABEL' to Run Shortcut [5:44:24.813 PM] Shrieking Chimes[Run Shortcut] Processing complete [5:44:24.814 PM] Shrieking Chimes[Run Shortcut] Passing output 'alarm 5:46pm TEST LABEL' to Run Script [5:44:24.983 PM] Shrieking Chimes[Run Script] Processing complete [5:44:24.990 PM] Shrieking Chimes[Run Script] Passing output '' to Conditional
  25. Let's assume I would like to find all the AVI files with following pattern in their name MVI_{DIGIT}{DIGIT}4{DIGIT}.AVI Examples: MVI_3747.AVI MVI_4048.AVI MVI_3046.AVI MVI_3047.AVI With terminal, following command works as expected find . -name "MVI_??4?.AVI" How can I find those files with Alfred?
  26. Thanks for this - I look forward to trying it out. At first glance it seems that I would need to add the search term for each item in the list. What I'm hoping to build is a workflow where I could search, say, "design" then anything with that in the name will show as an option and I can choose that one. Does List Filter Input allow for that?
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