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  2. I thought I found the solution: in the aText Advanced settings, there’s an option to always use the clipboard (i.e., the Mac clipboard) to insert snippets. I unchecked it, and everything was briefly as it should be. But then the problem came back. Then I tried unchecking two more aText Advanced options: Automatically use Clipboard when inserting long text, and Automatically restore Clipboard. That seems to have solved the problem — an aText problem.
  3. Andrew, thanks for your response. The problem seems to be with aText itself: when I quit the app, the Mac keyboard replacement text doesn't go to the Alfred clipboard. Maybe the problem is with aText and the way the new Mac chips handle memory and clipboard stuff. (I'm way above my head here.) I'm going to let the developer know there's a problem. Thanks for a wonderful app — my Mac wouldn't be my Mac without it.
  4. would be really useful to create some videos about the workflow heuristics you need to know + any integration with AI features (e.g. would love to be able to pass text into the ai to change the text in a predefined way, as a workflow. even better, I'd love to be able to do that with local LLM models, which I think could be a lovely niche if you guys manage to do it right)
  5. Hey @Textdriven Unfortunately, there is no error message in the logs to suggest a solution. :cp doesn’t work because there is no color history to show yet. The only thing I can think of is this: The script is compiled on your device the first time you run the workflow. This seems to be required since macOS 14. For this to work, you may still need to install the Xcode command line tools to run the swiftc command that compiles the swift code into an executable. This can be done by running the following command in the terminal: xcode-select --install However, if I'm not mistaken, macOS should have prompted you with a popup asking you to install the command line tools if they are not present 🤷‍♂️
  6. @Michael Leddy the biggest clue is the "On my way!" example, which operates at a lower level than the clipboard, and suggests this issue is outside of Alfred. What I suspect is happening is another app on your Mac (which may have accessibility access) is momentarily fettling the clipboard, and Alfred is just doing what is asked of him by storing this in the clipboard. Try the following couple of things: 1. Quit every other app, including background apps (aText etc), menu bar apps on your Mac, and see if the "On My way!" issue still happens. 2. Create a second account on your Mac, switch to that user, and see if the "On My Way!" example happens. Cheers, Andrew
  7. @vitor I like your example. If I may suggest a compact mdfind alternative: #!/usr/bin/env zsh # Perform mdfind search and populate jsonObjects array while IFS= read -r resultPath; do jsonObject='{ "uid":"'$resultPath'", "icon":{"path":"'$resultPath'"}, "arg":"'$resultPath'", "subtitle":"~'${resultPath/#$HOME/}'", "title":"'$(basename "$resultPath")'", "type":"file" }' jsonObjects+=("$jsonObject") done < <(mdfind "kMDItemContentType == 'com.adobe.pdf'" -onlyin ~) # Search PDF files only in home #done < <(mdfind "*" -onlyin ~ 2>/dev/null) # search all in home # Convert jsonObjects array to JSON JSON='{"items":['$(IFS=, ; echo "${jsonObjects[*]}")']}' # Output JSON echo "$JSON" @andy4222 & @vitor To achieve this, would one need to first populate the 'Grid View' with all files and then filter the results using a 'Search Field' of the 'Grid View'?
  8. I don't know what versions of macOS and Aflred you're using but take a look at Alfred Preferences → Features → Contacts and you can set up something like this. (Apologies: II've had that for so long I can't recall if it's set by default or whether I set it up!). If you do need to set it up it's very easy. Click on the + sign at the bottom right of that window and add this (with any appropriate modifier key you wish, of course): Stephen
  9. Yesterday
  10. Hi folks, New to Alfred, and loving it! I have a case which is very frequent: when copying from the snippet/clipboard popup, and then pasting, then remote desktop tool I use requires refocusing to be able to read the new value. Example: if I do this: open Alfred snippet selector -> copy -> paste into remote desktop tool -> it shows the old clipboard item -> click another local window -> focus again on remote window -> paste -> now it picks up the updated value! Is there a way to set Alfred to steal focus and then give it back? It would fix my problem! Thanks! nb1
  11. I just uninstalled (AppDelete) and reinstalled — the problem persists. But I just realized it’s a bigger problem — it also affects keyboard shortcuts independent of aText. So if I type o,m,w, the built-in Mac shortcut for On my way!, then On my way! shows up in the Clipboard history. This problem makes the Clipboard kinda unusable — I hope there’s a way to solve it.
  12. I just checked — all settings are the same. (I used Migration Assistant to bring everything over to the new Mac.) I tried clearing the Clipboard history too, but the problem comes right back. (And a URL that I copied earlier that should have disappeared comes back too.) I’m going to try uninstalling and reinstalling Alfred — maybe something went wrong in the migration.
  13. Hi! I love how MacOS can in some cases initiate a telephone call via your iPhone (over Bluetooth). Is there a sneaky way to initiate phone calls through Alfred? It would be so awesome to be able to enter `call (555) 555-5555` or `call 5555555555` and have it send that over as a phone call that then comes through the Mac speakers and mic. Thanks!
  14. Found my way back to Dracula for iTerm and VSCode and wanted a more "Dracula" version of the theme for Alfred. https://www.alfredapp.com/extras/theme/x4nxJBskqL/ The official theme doesn't use some of the accent colors that made Dracula Pro such a great theme, so wanted to bring some of that unlife back into this theme.
  15. Unless you're synchronising your settings between the two Macs it's probably worth checking on both that the settings under Alfred Preferences → Features → Clipboard History are identical—including those under the Advanced tab. For example, I'm wondering whether on one Mac you may have Ignore clipboard data marked as Auto Generated checked but not checked on the other. Stephen
  16. I think I might have the problem figured out: I fired up my older Intel MacBook Air — same aText and Alfred as a newer M3 MBA — and the clipboard is fine. So perhaps this problem has something to do with Apple innards.
  17. Welcome @guppy16, You have to install the Automation Tasks.
  18. I've not used Alfred in some years but my colleage just convinced me to come back to it after sharing this workflow with me. Workflow installed...but not getting any results. After enabling debug, I'm getting 10:39:48.632] Logging Started... [10:39:53.412] ChatGPT / DALL-E[Keyword] Processing complete [10:39:53.422] ChatGPT / DALL-E[Keyword] Passing output 'testing 123' to Arg and Vars [10:39:53.423] ChatGPT / DALL-E[Arg and Vars] Processing complete [10:39:53.424] ChatGPT / DALL-E[Arg and Vars] Passing output '' to Run Script [10:39:53.489] ChatGPT / DALL-E[Run Script] Processing complete [10:39:53.496] ChatGPT / DALL-E[Run Script] Passing output '' to Automation Task [10:39:53.498] ERROR: ChatGPT / DALL-E[Automation Task] Task not found 'com.alfredapp.automation.core/files-and-folders/path.exists' Any pointers? I literally just installed Alfred before this workflow and it's a "clean" machine that hasn't seen Alfred before.
  19. Thanks, Stephen. It certainly sounds like that’s what’s happening. Nothing in aText has changed (no recent update), but I’ll see if the developer can offer any insight.
  20. I wonder whether this post may be relevant in the context you mention—even though it relates to a different app. Maybe aText works the same way as that app? Edit: I note you say this didn't happen before Alfred 5.5 but I don't think Alfred 5.5 made any change to the way the clipboard works so I'd be inclined to look at aText rather than at Alfred to resolve the issue. Stephen
  21. Here’s a problem that I've noticed with Alfred 5.5: I use the app aText (an inexpensive alternative to TextExpander) to manage all sorts of words, phrases, and bits of HTML. When I type an abbreviation, the bit of text or code that results now appears in the Clipboard. For instance, if I type MM LL to get my first and last names, the names get added to the Clipboard. I’ve tried adding aText to the list of apps for Alfred to ignore, but that does nothing. I haven’t seen this problem before 5.5. Any suggestions? Michael Leddy
  22. As of a few weeks or so ago, the 1Password Workflow actions to copy OTP, copy username and copy password stopped working for me. I've updated the workflow to the latest, but still not luck, even after reboots and reinstalls. ### Workflow version 2023.12 ### Alfred version 5.5 ### macOS version 14.4.1 ### Architecture arm64 ### Preferences Default ### 1Password version 8.10.30 ### op version 2.18.0 ### Launchd job Loaded: - 0 com.alfredapp.vitor.1password Installed Any pointers on how I can troubleshoot this? I rely on the copy OTP flow to get onto VPN a zillion times a week.
  23. Song.link api is not open any more so this does not work.
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