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Everything posted by Vero

  1. @Wireshark101 Welcome to the forum You mention a script so are your URLs static or generated? If you just want to open static URLs, there are a few ways to do this: One keyword launching all URLs at the same time: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/tutorial-using-the-same-keyword-for-multiple-actions/ One keyword with each URL being available for you to launch individually: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/tutorial-using-the-same-keyword-for-multiple-actions/ If you're looking to do something scripted, share some more details and we'll be happy to help.
  2. @mlondon As I'm sure you've already guessed, Alfred doesn't get to choose which order these login items are launched. There are a couple of things I'd suggest trying on your Mac: If you quit and relaunch Alfred (without restarting your Mac), does Alfred launch quickly? Try removing all items aside from Alfred from your login items then restart. Is it launched quickly? You could then re-add the other apps *after* Alfred, as one of these apps may be slower to load, and is best kept for last. Let us know how you get on
  3. @schmu I merged your other thread ("unknown indexing state" after Migration Assistant?) with this one as your posts were a continuation of this thread. Please continue the discussion here to make it easier to keep track of what's been discussed
  4. @Jogim Welcome to the forum. The first step when you're unable to find files is to use the File Troubleshooter as outlined here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/ Once you've dragged the files in, Alfred will give you more information on the metadata for the app, whether it's complete or not, and any tips on resolving the issue. You can either follow the instructions from the troubleshooter or paste the output here if you'd like more help.
  5. @GreenWire Welcome to the forum The troubleshooting indicates that the indexing on your Mac (which is maintained by macOS and used by other apps like Spotlight) has been disabled. This is something Alfred doesn't get involved with, so did disable your index or install something that would have an impact on the index? You'll find how to rebuild your Mac's index in steps 5 and 6 here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/
  6. @Nat Harari Drag the relevant folder into your search scope in the Default Results preferences to include apps from that folder into your results. Alternatively, if you just want one app from an obscure folder and would prefer not to add anything else to the scope, you can create a nickname workflow like this for a one-off file you want to open: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/give-files-nicknames-to-find-them-faster/ Let us know how you get on
  7. @indros This behaviour hasn't changed in Alfred; When dragging out of Alfred, by design, he doesn't disappear. You may have been using a particular app that took over focus at that point, which would cause Alfred to yield the focus to that app and disappear. So the behaviour change you're seeing is likely because the app you're dragging to is a different one to before (or behaves differently to previous versions of it). As you suggested, the best way to close Alfred if you want to move on to the app behind is to either use the Esc key, or click into the app below.
  8. @Jingyun Li If the keyword doesn't disappear, it indicates that the Accessibility permissions are probably not granted to Alfred properly on your Mac. Here are the instructions for re-granting permissions: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/permissions/#regrant Once you're able to get the keyword to disappear, we can look at working out why pasting isn't working on your Mac. If you're using any third-party clipboard manipulation apps, please quit these to work out whether they're interfering with normal clipboard operation.
  9. @kpw If you've imported a collection and didn't enable expansion at that stage, you can also click on one snippet from the collection, then use Cmd + A to select all other snippets in that collection, right-click and choose Auto-Expansion > Set Allowed.
  10. @Jingyun Li Taking a look at your Preferences, everything looks normal. Once again, could you please confirm if the keyword disappears or not when you type your "ddd" keyword in TextEdit?
  11. @Jingyun Li Could you please provide your Diagnostics file, which you can get by typing "?diagnostics" into Alfred? You can then email it to our info@ address so that I can take a look.
  12. @Jingyun Li Could you answer the other questions I asked in my earlier post? Is Cmd + V remapped in any way that could interfere with pasting? Does the snippet keyword disappear? The more information you can provide, the easier we'll be able to help you troubleshoot the issue.
  13. @luckman212 Are you using the same hack described in the first post? And which version of macOS and Alfred are you using?
  14. @Jingyun Li Good to hear you were able to delete the snippet collection. In terms of using iCloud for preferences, lots of people use it for syncing their Alfred prefs - but it requires Optimised Storage to be disabled. Otherwise it may be best to pick one of the other sync services. (Annoyingly, once upon a time, Apple beta-tested allowing individual folders to be "pinned" to always be stored locally in iCloud, but that feature was scrapped before release, so it's an all or nothing for iCloud Optimised Storage.) Could you please provide more details on what stage the snippets don't work? If you launch TextEdit (a simple and native app, ideal for testing) and try to expand your snippet, what do you see? Does the keyword disappear, does the snippet content appear, do you hear an error beep? If your snippet expands in TextEdit, in which apps do you see a different behaviour? What is your snippet keyword? What is the content that should be pasted? Have you remapped Cmd + V to anything other than the built-in macOS paste command?
  15. @Jingyun Li It's a requirement for syncing to have Optimised Storage disabled, as otherwise your Mac can arbitrarily decide to move files to online-only, making your preferences unavailable. This is why it can work sometimes, but not other times; macOS may hold the files locally one one Mac or on a given day, but switch them to online-only without your knowledge at any time. I would suggest to temporarily move your preferences to a folder in your root folder (e.g. ~/Alfred/) as this is a non-iCloud-synced location, and will allow you to test whether you can now delete the snippet collection normally. As a manual workaround, you can reveal your preferences in Finder via the Sync preferences' "Reveal in Finder" button, then browse into the Alfred.alfredpreferences to find the snippet collection you want to delete. However, it'd be best to resolve the core issue instead so that you can get a smooth experience in the future too
  16. @Jingyun Li Could you check whether you've got Optimised Storage disabled? You'll find this in your System Settings > iCloud > Optimise Mac Storage, where you should ensure it's disabled.
  17. @Jingyun Li Welcome to the forum Could you please let me know where your preferences are stored and whether you use Alfred's preferences sync? This error can crop up if your preferences are stored on an external drive or one without a Trash.
  18. @Matteo Starc When the Mini Player launches, it will also launch the Music app in the background. First, I would suggest looking at the Music app and checking whether there are any promotional screens from Apple, or new terms & conditions to agree to. Once these are cleared, the Music app should start playing normally. If you've made changes to your music library, you can also use Cmd + R while the Mini Player is showing, so that Alfred can reload the music you have in case you're trying to play an album that either isn't available or has been moved. Let us know how you get on
  19. @Matteo Starc Welcome to the forum Type "reload" into Alfred after dragging apps to Spotlight Privacy to clear the cache Alfred holds for apps. Has that cleared the apps you don't want to see?
  20. @Christian Bailey This is the workflow you'll need to export and import your Snippets as CSV files: https://alfred.app/workflows/alfredapp/snippet-transformer/ Let us know how you get on
  21. @Slajerek Broadly speaking, files within the macOS Library folder aren't included in Spotlight's index by design, because they're not usually meant to be manipulated and searched directly by the user. Are there many files you want to find in your Mac's System and Library folders? If there are only a few you want to launch directly, you could launch them from a keyword like this: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/give-files-nicknames-to-find-them-faster/ Alternatively, you could use File Navigation to take you to the right folder and open it from there (as File Navigation will show you visible files within a folder, even if they're included in the macOS search index) If you give us a bit more context on what you're trying to achieve, we can help you out further.
  22. @Rachelle While answering @Stephen_C's questions, I have two suggestions: Check your Trash before emptying it: Most cleaner apps will move files there, so take out anything that contains the name Alfred and put them in a safe folder. Let us know what you found and we'll help you return these to the right location. Let us know whether you used a sync service (e.g. Dropbox) or Time Machine on your Mac as this will be the easiest way to recover your old preferences. I don't recommend app cleaners as they often blindly remove files that are essential on your Mac.
  23. @Curious As well as looking at the thread linked by Stephen, try dragging one of the web apps to Alfred's File Troubleshooting, which will likely tell you to set your Search Scope (in Features > Default Results) to "Reset to full disk": https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/ Once you've done this, the web apps should be included in your results.
  24. @cbrance I can indeed see that you've posted to Github to ping @vdesabou for help with the workflow. Could you try running Alfred's debugger while using the workflow, which may help identify any error messages? Did you also share your workflow debugger information (different to the above, more specific to the workflow) as indicated here? https://alfred-spotify-mini-player.com/articles/support/
  25. @LoneFireBlossom Thanks for the detailed update. To help establish how broadly the issue is happening on your Mac, could you please create a new temporary user account and test whether the cursor appears reliably on that profile? This will help us narrow down whether it's specific to your primary user account.
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