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Everything posted by Vero

  1. @stormymondays It's almost certain that this will be caused by a conflict between Alfred and another app / macOS feature, especially if the behaviour becomes normal when you use a different hotkey combo. The best place to start is the macOS System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts and check for any clashes. If you can't find one there, quit all third-party apps that have helpers or menu bar items, then try again. Alternatively, you could potentially have two versions of Alfred running concurrently. This shouldn't be possible but if you're using Alfred 1, it can happen. In that case, open Activity Monitor and check for anything called Alfred that is running in case there is more than one.
  2. @zmitchell I've had a look at your diagnostics file, and nothing surprising jumped at me. It seems there may simply be a permissions issue on your Mac, which means that Alfred isn't able to save this preference in macOS. You can add Alfred manually to the Launch at Login list instead by opening System Settings > General > Login Items. Use the [+] button to add Alfred 5 to the list of apps that are allowed to launch at login. Restart your Mac and see if Alfred is still in the list - If so, you're all sorted. If not, there will be a deeper permission issue on your Mac that needs to be resolved as it will have ramifications other than this.
  3. @stormymondays Could you share with us what hotkey combo you've been using/testing?
  4. @zmitchell Welcome to the forum! Could you please provide your Diagnostics file, which you can get by typing "?diagnostics" into Alfred? You can then email it to our info@ address, with a reference back to this thread? I'll take a look at whether your Diagnostics give me any further info
  5. @Joe222 Glad you're all sorted now I should also mention that you can use Cmd + N when in the Snippets preferences to create a new snippet in the currently selected collection, which is quicker!
  6. @Joe222 If you're seeing this, then you're trying to add a collection To add a snippet, choose the correct collection in the left section, then use the [+] in the far right corner to add the snippet itself
  7. @greghoch If you're able to, when Alfred isn't responding, please open Activity Monitor, choose Alfred and do a sample process. This will give us a better idea of what might be happening during that time. Could you please provide your Diagnostics file, which you can get by typing "?diagnostics" into Alfred? You can then email it to our info@ address (please include a reference to this thread)
  8. @Irret There's no need to worry - just set your sync location for Alfred 5 to the location where your Alfred 4 preferences are stored. The local settings will also be used. Just ensure that when you're ready to remove Alfred 4 from your Mac, you simply drag Alfred 4 from the Applications folder to Trash, rather than using any uninstaller/app cleaner apps, as the preferences will be needed by Alfred 5 Cheers, Vero
  9. @cookie This is already possible using File Filters: https://alfred.app/workflows/alfredapp/simple-folder-search/
  10. @GatorMapi Have you played with File Filters yet? You can either set a file filter with pre-defined options like file types, scopes, date range, etc... or you can use one where you set the scope dynamically if you often change location. Here's the Simple Folder Search, which is set to only search for the Folder type: https://alfred.app/workflows/alfredapp/simple-folder-search/ And the Dynamic File Filter, where you can choose a folder, then search within that scope only: https://alfred.app/workflows/alfredapp/dynamic-file-search/ You'll find more details about File Filters here too: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/file-filter/
  11. @cookie This would be a question for Apple as the bug is in their software, not in Alfred. Even with Apple's poor track record of fixing issues after a main release, I'm surprised that this wasn't fixed in a later Ventura update.
  12. @cookie Welcome to the forum This is a known issue in macOS Ventura - essentially an unfinished feature by Apple - where only some of the System Settings are accessible by search, and some open the incorrect Settings panel. We've published a workflow that works around that issue, and allows you to open all System Settings to the correct panel, and with icons: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/open-system-settings-in-ventura/
  13. @p3av8r Could you please provide more details about what's not working with snippets? - Have you checked that Accessibility is granted to Alfred? Have you tried removing and re-adding Alfred to ensure macOS is "nudged" into seeing that you've granted it? - If you launch TextEdit (a simple and native app, ideal for testing) and try to expand your snippet, what do you see? Does the keyword disappear, does the snippet content appear, do you hear an error beep? - If your snippet expands in TextEdit, in which apps do you see a different behaviour? - What is your snippet keyword? What is the content that should be pasted? The more information you provide, the easier it'll be for us to help troubleshoot what's happening on your Mac
  14. @kimillian Here's a fun example workflow to take a look at where you enter the height and width at once, which are then split into two variables to create a URL: https://alfred.app/workflows/alfredapp/placeholder-images/ It uses the Split Arg utility mentioned by @Stephen_C
  15. @Terminal Yes, query history has been around forever You'll find this in the Advanced prefs > History. https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/keep-your-latest-query-handy/ As for keeping Alfred showing when focus is lost, that's generally not the wanted behaviour, but if you're creating a workflow that requires Alfred to keep showing from one step to the next, you can change the window behaviour by using the "Configure connection" option: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/advanced/alternative-actions/
  16. @dbrandt6 Could you provide more details, such as a name or screenshot? Do you see any errors at the top of the preferences when trying to delete?
  17. @Cassady Are any of the actions requiring accessibility working on your Mac? E.g. snippet text expansion, selecting a file in Finder with the Universal Actions hotkey, etc? If none of these work, it's a sign that granting Accessibility is still failing on your Mac. I would suggest temporarily creating a new user account from fresh, and testing whether you're able to grant permissions normally on it and use some of the accessibility-based actions mentioned above. This will then narrow down the issue solely to your primary user account. If you can provide as much information as possible on what you've tried and what is/isn't working, we'll try to help you work out what's happening on your Mac.
  18. @Bemawr When you say that your workflows stop working, what do you mean? If you restart Alfred then check your preferences for Workflows, are they still there? Could you please provide your Diagnostics file, which you can get by typing "?diagnostics" into Alfred? You can then email this file from both of your Macs to our info@ address and I'll take a look at your two Macs' configuration.
  19. @asteryou Welcome to the forum As a simpler one-off way to transfer your preferences from one Mac to another, you can copy your Alfred.alfredpreferences package from one of two locations: If you're not currently syncing your preferences, you'll find them in the default location, which is ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/ If you have set up your sync location in the past, you'll find the package in your sync location - you can confirm this by looking in the Advanced preferences Note that you'll need to activate your Powerpack license manually on your new Mac, even if you copy your preferences over. Once you've done this, you'll have access to your Powerpack features again. Let us know how you get on!
  20. @wealthychef It's possible that it's a matching result but there are so many that it's further down the list. If you only want mp4 files from your external volumes, I would suggest creating a File Filter workflow for it: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/file-filter/ This would allow you to set the scope to search, as well as the file types you want to include in your search. Alternatively, the Dynamic File Filter allows you to set the search scope on the fly: https://alfred.app/workflows/alfredapp/dynamic-file-search/ If you need further help creating your own File Filter, share your workflow-in-progress and we'll be here to help.
  21. @BocciaMan Could you share your workflow so that we can see what you've configured so that we can help you further?
  22. @rob213 Here's what we recommend: Keep a Time Machine backup (or similar incremental backup) of your Mac so that you can revert to a particular point in time if needed If you'd like to sync, use a service that reliably maintains incremental backups too for additional safety. If all you want to do is copy your preferences from one location to another and you're not syncing, you'll find the Alfred.alfredpreferences bundle here: ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/ If you use syncing, you'll find the Alfred.alfredpreferences bundle in your sync location. Keep in mind that when copying your preferences to a new Mac, you'll still need to manually activate your Powerpack and set a few locally-stored preferences (e.g. Clipboard can be enabled on one Mac, but not another) for which you can find details here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/advanced/sync/#not-synced
  23. @outofgamut If you share your workflow (modify to remove personal details first if you prefer), we might be able to help you merge the signature and the quote into a single pasted item instead by adding the quote as a variable in the Copy to Clipboard object.
  24. Could you please check your macOS Notification Centre to make sure you're allowing notifications from Alfred?
  25. @outofgamut If I understand correctly your objective, you want to type a snippet and have a random signature from a pre-defined selection pasted? Here's a workflow I created to help another user, which you might enjoy using. It doesn't require any scripting, and can all be done within Alfred's Workflow Editor. In the yellow object, set your snippet keyword, which will be typed along with any prefix/suffix you've globally set for snippet triggers. You can set this prefix to the same as your usual one. So long as the keywords don't conflict, you can use the same prefix. In the second object in blue, add your signatures. There are more details on configuration in the About This Workflow once you import it, but I think you'll work it out very quickly https://www.dropbox.com/s/kg8wqem8rgn5z54/Random Signature.alfredworkflow?dl=0 If I've missed any particular feature you're looking for, let me know and we'll help you further
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