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Posts posted by jdfwarrior

  1. On 12/16/2016 at 10:25 AM, deerawan said:

    Introduce my new v3 theme for Alfred, Yo Alfred



    • Alfred main color (dazzling purple)
    • Dark and light theme
    • Blur Transparant
    • Large Icon


    How to Download

    1. Click the download link below the theme name
    2. Save as the file (keep the extension to be .alfredappeareance)


    Dark Theme

    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deerawan/yo-alfred-themes/master/Yo Alfred Dark.alfredappearance


    Light Theme

    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deerawan/yo-alfred-themes/master/Yo Alfred White.alfredappearance


    Interested in Material Design Theme?




    I really like this theme, especially the light version

  2. Andrew, I'm seeing the exact same after updating to the 1P beta and the latest release of Alfred. I don't use the menu bar icon but upon launching the latest Alfred, the process is running (shows in Activity Monitor), hotkey based workflows still work but pressing my hotkey (Cmd+Space) to activate Alfred doesn't bring up the UI. I actually get the an error beep/chime when I press it.


    I got into Prefs by doing "Show Package Contents" on Alfred and getting to the Preferences app. I don't know what build I have previously but I believe that it worked with the previous prerelease I had. I believe it broke after I updated to the latest. It shows 3.2 [749] in the Preferences UI, but the change log within Prefs shows [748]. I can change the Alfred hotkey but that doesn't resolve the problem I disabled the 1Password integration, still no dice. The 1Password settings in Alfred prefs was initially really slow to load as well.


    Is there anything else you could recommend to try?



  3. Team,


    Couldn't find a similar topic so here's my question:


    When seaching for a file (just typing part of the name or using 'find' + part of the name Alfred doesn't show the files. Example.


    FILE NAME: 2015-Aug-CreateHeader-01.xls


    SPOTLIGHT: type "createhea" -- found

    ALFRED:       type "createhea" -- no result

    ALFRED:       type "2015-Aug-Cre" -- found

    ALFRED:       type "*createhea" -- found


    Is this works as designed? Configurable feature? PBKAC? (problem between keyboard and chair)


    Are you still having this issue? Alfred should definitely be finding this file based on the search criteria you provided. I just touched a quick file, named the exact same thing and Alfred finds it just as expected. I would have suggested reindexing but it seems that he does seem to find it other ways.

  4. Hi,


    I downloaded Emacs from http://emacsformacosx.com/and I have my app just there in the dock. However when I search for it in Alfred, it does not appear.


    I found it weird. Any suggestion?






    When you installed emacs, did you install it within /Applications and then make a shortcut in the dock or did you just drag the application directly into the dock? If you dragged directly into the dock, that would probably be the issue. If you installed it in /Applications, then Alfred should find it. Does Spotlight find it? If it is in /Applications and not being found, perhaps you should reindex the drive. You can also check out some of the other troubleshooting options listed here

  5. As the others have pointed out, the Javascript supported is the Javascript API that is built into OSX and not Javascript based on a specific runtime like Node.js or io.js. Alfred only provides built in support for languages that come preinstalled within OSX which eliminates things like Node.js and io.js. You could still create workflows to use node by setting your environment within the code area of a Run Script like this:

    /usr/local/bin/node <<-'CODE'
    var temp = require('underscore')
    console.log('testing this')
  6. Newbie question, and maybe I'm missing something, but does Alfred not filter the results of a script filter based on arguments? I have a fully functioning filter, but it seems odd that Alfred doesn't filter the results based on the value of the argument.


    For example, if I have a script filter with the keyword "Press", requiring an argument, and the items "one","two","three", I'd expect that typing "Press o"  would limit the results to "Press one", where typing: "Press t" would limit the results to "Press two" and "Press three"


    I've tried both populating and omitting the uid field, to no effect, though I do understand that this field is primarily for "learning".


    Am I doing something wrong, or is this expected behavior?


    It is the expected behavior of Alfred. Script Filter results basically aren't processed by Alfred. It's up to you, the developer to do that selection and/or filter the results based on the input by the user.

  7. Hello,

    I not good at all in Applescripting and I would like to utilize  the large text display in Alfred. Also my coding is a bit sloppy... Any suggestions would be great.  


    I am making a workflow to convert a date into roman numeral date. Once done will be posting the finished results.. 

    on alfred_script(q)
    	tell (current date)
    		set yearInt to its year
    		set monthInt to its month as integer
    		set dayInt to its day
    	end tell
    	set defaultDateString to (dayInt &  monthInt & yearInt) as text
    	tell current application
    		set userDateString to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a date of the form: DD/MM/YYYY" with title "AppleScript By Christopher Stone" default answer defaultDateString as text)
    	end tell
    	if userDateString ≠ defaultDateString then
    		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
    		set {dayInt, monthInt, yearInt} to text items of userDateString
    	end if
    on error e number n
    	set e to e & return & return & "Num: " & n
    	if n ≠ -128 then
    			tell current application to button returned of ¬
    				(display dialog e with title "ERROR!" buttons {"Copy Error Message", "Cancel", "OK"} ¬
    					default button "OK" giving up after 30)
    			if ddButton = "Copy" then set the clipboard to e
    		end try
    	end if
    end try
    	set RomanYear to ""
    	repeat with i from 1 to (count (yearInt as string))
    		set RomanYear to item (((item -i of (yearInt as string)) as integer) + 1) of item i of ¬
    			{{"", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX"}, ¬
    				{"", "X", "XX", "XXX", "XL", "L", "LX", "LXX", "LXXX", "XC"}, ¬
    				{"", "C", "CC", "CCC", "CD", "D", "DC", "DCC", "DCCC", "CM"}, ¬
    				{"", "M", "MM", "MMM"}} & RomanYear
    	end repeat
    	set RomanMonth to item monthInt of {"I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X", "XII", "XII"}
    	set RomanDay to item dayInt of {"I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X", "XI", "XII", "XIII", "XIV", "XV", "XVI", "XVII", "XVIII", "XIX", "XX", "XXI", "XXII", "XXXII", "XXIV", "XXV", "XXVI", "XXVII", "XXVIII", "XXIX", "XXX", "XXXI"}
    	set the clipboard to RomanDay & "-" & RomanMonth & "-" & RomanYear
    	display notification RomanDay & "-" & RomanMonth & "-" & RomanYear with title "Roman Numerles set to Clipboard" sound name "Submarine"
    on error e number n
    	set e to e & return & return & "Num: " & n
    	if n ≠ -128 then
    			tell current application to button returned of ¬
    				(display dialog e with title "ERROR!" buttons {"Copy Error Message", "Cancel", "OK"} ¬
    					default button "OK" giving up after 30)
    			if ddButton = "Copy" then set the clipboard to e
    		end try
    	end if
    end try
    end alfred_script

    Much appreciated,



    Bill, I moved this into the workflow help section of the forums to get it a little more exposure.


    Are you needing help with something in particular on this or simply looking for pointers?

  8. I was trying to find a file with the word 'hospital' in the name and Alfred was not turning up any results.  I went through all the steps in reindexing and everything else found here but nothing works.

    In fact, when trying to rebuild the index Terminal just kind of hangs there on the screenshot I've linked.



    PS...how do I upload a photo as attachment here?


    Rebuilding the index doesn't really show much. It all takes place in the background. If you noticed, in the terminal window that was opened, it says that you can check the status of the index process by clicking on the Spotlight magnifying glass icon in the menu bar. In previous versions of OS X, that was correct. Starting with Yosemite, you would actually have to click the icon (to show Spotlight) and then type a single character. Just above where Spotlight lists the results, there should be a progress bar showing the progress of the index. Prior to Yosemite, the Spotlight icon would pulse (show a little pulsing dot in the center) and if you clicked to show Spotlight, it would show the progress at the top. After checking this, if you have verified that the indexing DID occur (have to wait and let it finish) then, lets double check a few things.


    1. What is the path to the file?

    2. Is that path within Alfred's search scope?

    3. Does Spotlight show the file in it's results?

  9. I love this app! However, I am a beginning and would like to use it to its full potential. 

    For example, I currently type callf (for facetime) and type the contact's name to call someone on facetime with the UNI CAL workflow.


    Is it possible to set a button on the iOS remote so I can call that contact on facetime with one click?


    With workflows, you can indeed. You would only need to create a workflow that has a Run Script object, set the language to bash, and use facetime:// followed by the persons email address or phone number.

  10. Hi

    two days ago I told Alfred to monitor and index the folders that I've in an external hard drive.

    I notice that if I resume my mac from sleeping, before I'm able to use Alfred I have a latency due to the fact that Alfred is waiting my external drive to wake up from the stand by.

    So I decided to remove the external hard drive from the "Search Scope" in Alfred but I still notice the latency that I had not before adding the external drive.


    What is going on? I have to remove the external drive form Alfred in another way?


    Is Spotlight indexing the drive as well? You could also set OS X to not put the drive to sleep. That setting can be found in Energy Saver preference pane.

  11. Hi.


    Is there any official word on El Capitan compatibility for Alfred? I don't know if a "planted" email in the keynote constitutes a release date announcement, but assuming it does, it's only 2 weeks away.


    I'd like to consider moving to the recently released GM but would want to be sure Alfred will work before I do.




    I've had El Capitan on a machine since the first beta. Alfred has worked flawlessly on it all the way through. I will say however, GM isn't ALWAYS the last release. That being said, I believe the release date for El Capitan was determined to be next week (based on the little easter egg in the keynote).  I'd probably recommend waiting until then to do the install unless you're just really wanting it.

  12. I've created a macro in Keyboard Maestro to create nested folders in Finder with the following code

    (Just in case there is something in the code, although i could not see anything)

    	tell application "Finder"
    		set selectedItem to selection
    		set currentPath to ((the first item of the selectedItem) as alias)
    		set parentPath to ""
    		if (currentPath as string) ends with ":" then
    			-- it is a folder
    			set the parentPath to currentPath
    			-- it is a file
    			set {od, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, ":"}
    			set the parentPath to (text items 1 thru -2 of (currentPath as string)) as string
    			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to od
    		end if
    		set newFolder to (my createFolder(parentPath))
    	end tell
    on error -- no folder or file is selected
    	tell application "Finder"
    		set the currentPath to (folder of the front window as alias)
    		set parentFolder to currentPath
    		set newFolder to (my createFolder(currentPath))
    	end tell
    end try
    on createFolder(folderLocation)
    	tell application "Finder"
    		set thisFolder to make new folder at folderLocation
    		set selection to thisFolder
    		tell application "System Events"
    			keystroke return
    			quit -- if i don't do this system events seems to hang???
    		end tell
    		return thisFolder
    	end tell
    end createFolder

    I set it to trigger on CTRL+CMD+F. 

    Now when i trigger this shortcut, a folder gets created as expected but then a focus gets stolen and Alfred iTunes mini player pops out. I searched through every setting in Alfred and i could not find where i have CTRL+CMD+F assigned. But if i disable Alfred then everything works as expected. 

    Is there any way i can troubleshoot this issue?


    Have you looked in Alfred's Preferences under the Features tab? In the list on the left hand side, select iTunes. All settings (including hotkeys) pertaining to Alfred's Mini Player, would be located there.

  13. Hi,

    I'd like to search for content (so corresponding to the 'in' command) but only within a specific folder and subfolders. How do I accomplish that in a workflow? 




    This could be accomplished with a File Filter object in a workflow. File Filters allow you to set search scope, the desired file types, and set how the content is searched. To perform a content search (in), in the Advanced tab of a file filter, you would add the kMDItemTextContent field.

  14. Its only simple calculations and single operations. Multiple operations would be done by copying the result in clipboard and work with that a few sec later.

    Was curious overall cause alfred can already calculate with hex. Only what it does is, show the result in dec and not in hex :/


    Well, what about this... wondering if it would be easier to just convert the output to hex instead. So.. then you could type or paste in the hex values into alfred's calculator and get decimal output, but press to copy that and simply press a hotkey to convert the decimal value in the clipboard to hex. Would that work?

  15. I want to copy x URL's and then paste into a browser text field


    How can I do this?







    Is this something you perform often? If so, simplest thing may be to just make a quick workflow with a hotkey that will just keep grabbing the selected text and build up a big list, then with another hotkey, or a keyword, put it all together and paste.

  16. I'd also say make sure it's not actually an OS glitch, not Alfred's fault. Try restarting the normal way, sans Alfred, just to see...

    It seems like a relatively common issue (current OSX version and all) that even when you uncheck "Reopen windows when logging back in" the windows still reopen (despite what programs are designated "login items").



    +1 on this. I've noticed this several times in the past. I hate it reopening everything after a restart and even though the setting in OSX is there to *NOT* reopen, it'll reboot and open up 20 windows.. Grr

  17. Hello everyone,


    i was asking myself, if Alfred can do Hex calculations like 0x40+0x60 for example.

    I know that you can enter the advanced calculator by using "=" but it shows the 

    result in decimal. 

    Does anyone know how to change the output to hex ? Maybe there is a Workflow

    to do this ? I couldn't find anything tho.







    I dont know of one in particular but this should be possible with a workflow at least. Are you looking for simple calculations (add,subtract,multiply,divide) only? Are you looking for only single operation or multiple?

  18. I've downgraded from Outlook 15 to 14 (Outlook for Mac 2011), as both were available in my Office365 subscription at the time. Now only 15 remains on the download page, so I'm a bit hesitant to install it and not be able to go back to 14 afterwards.


    So if anyone else can help test, I'd prefer that. But if no-one else rises to the occasion, let me know.


    Hey I've been trying to get some more testing done with this but I can go ahead and share the script I have for now which should get the latest Outlook for Mac working for you. Download the script linked here and drop it in this folder: ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Plugins/Email


    That should get the latest version working. I'm still trying to get it tested to see if that breaks Outlook support in older versions. Let me know if you have any issues with this please

  19. Hi,

    I'd like to access rapidly some of the files that are in the workflows folders (visible after showing content of Alfred.alfredpreferences package). 

    Is it possible to add that content to the search scope? Spotlight does not find them either. 


    Alternatively, would it be ok to have within the workflow folder a symlink to those files, so that I can search and find them outside of Alfred.alfredpreferences?





    Do you necessarily need to search them or do you just need quick access to the files? I'm just wondering whether or not it is worth adding these to your search scope or having a file filter or if it would just be better to have a workflow that opens the folder for you

  20. It appears that after the latest version, 2.7.2 (407), I have a problem where Alfred is not displaying when I first login when I switch users using the fast user switch menu.


    I see the Alfred icon up in the system tray and it appears to be accepting input, I hit the cmd-space and type something and it launches, but I just don't see the Alfred interface.  If I quit Alfred and relaunch it then it works like it is supposed to.


    Any suggestions?




    I can't seem to replicate this. I've just created a new local user and swapped to it and can use Alfred as expected. Is this a new issue (only started after the update and worked as expected before)?

  21. Is there a way of preventing files appearing in the search? I use Microsoft office which I sync with Google Drive. That means I get a lot of lock files on my disk when other uses edit files in Word or whatever. They all have names based on the filename with ~$ at the beginning. Anyway, when I search for a filename I often get a few of these lock files in the response. Can they be filtered out?


    Alfred uses Spotlight's metadata server for performing queries so, typically, you could add things into the Privacy tab of Spotlight's preferences to make Alfred not get those results. This works for individual files and folders though. This wouldn't provide the ability to hide individual lock files or to hide files based on a pattern.

  22. Alfred: v2.7.1 (387)

    Outlook: v15.11.1

    OSX: Yosemite 10.10.4




    Find a file in Alfred --> (go to Actions) --> Email To... --> (choose recipient)




    the mail gets created in the Drafts folder instead of being opened / foremost on the screen.




    If I use a link of the form "mailto:tom@hotmail.com" in safari, it opens up Outlook with the mail message just fine

    If I use "email" from Alfred, and set a recipient from my contact list, it also opens Outlook correctly with the mail message to the front



    I have had this issue with Applescript as well. You might want to look at your Outlook notifications for an account permissions flag. That ended up being my problem...and one that Microsoft/Apple still has not corrected.


    Are either of you comfortable modifying some applescript to try a fix for this? It's been a weird issue but I think the fix may be simple but I'd like to have someone else try it and see if it resolves their issue.

  23. Hello everyone,


    A friend of mine showed me in Launcher there's an option to abbreviate the home folder when copying the path to the clipboard. Does Alfred have this feature? It's extremely useful for us because we share Dropbox links for files all the time via JIRA. For example, abbreviating the home folder in Launcher would change this:




    into this:




    This makes links easier to read, and I'd really love to enable this in Alfred but I can't find the feature anywhere. Does it exist?




    It doesn't but you could create a Result Action that could do this for you. The result action would accept the full path and you would just need to make it do a search and replace in the string to replace /Users/Mike with ~. 


    Do you know how to do something like this? If not, I could help you or even make it for you if you'd like

  24. I would like to have a workflow which when triggered, calls multiple other workflows. Is there a way to do this? 


    I'm using the SmartThings workflow, which enables me to turn on/off lights. I want to be able to have a "shortcut" where it turns on/off multiple lights.


    So currently i run: 

    "st Hue Lamp on"

    "st Hue Lamp 1 on"

    "st Hue Lamp 2 on"

    "st Hue Lamp 3 on"


    What i want to do is run:



     and in the background it runs all four of these.




    You can either call Alfred with your queries, waiting a wee bit between calling each one. That's the simple way.

    The better way is to figure out the script and arguments that your target workflow runs and call them from a bash script. Something like:


    ../UUID-OF-TARGET-WORKFLOW/some_script "Hue Lamp 1 on"
    ../UUID-OF-TARGET-WORKFLOW/some_script "Hue Lamp 2 on"
    # etc.
    # etc.


    If you are familiar with creating/building workflows, a simple alternative also may be to just use external triggers within your workflows. This would allow you to trigger a specific part of a workflow, from another, and even pass it data. These are triggered through AppleScript. You could have a single workflow keyword that executed N number of workflows or specific parts of workflows using AppleScript and their external trigger. I've used this several times to simulate "steps" in a workflow. You use one keyword, when it completes, calls an external trigger and launches the next step, and so on.

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