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Posts posted by jdfwarrior

  1. I need to perform a clean erase and reinstall Yosemite on my Mac, and reinstall all applications.  Its a long story.


    What would be the steps to preserve and reinstall Alfred's settings, history and any other aspects of how alfred runs so I could be back up and running with it again.




    Are you currently using any software to sync settings to other machines such as Dropbox, Google Drive, etc? If so, then most settings could easily be restored after the reinstall by allowing all files to sync back to your machine, then setting up syncing in Alfred again.


    If you currently aren't using some 3rd party app to sync settings, then Alfred's preferences and settings live at ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/

    Those settings could be copied or backed up and restored after the reinstall. 

  2. Hey guys!


    I am not a programmer at all, but I am trying to create a workflow for something I use a lot.

    What the workflow should do is after typing a keyword it presents a list of options (around 35). based on what option I choose it opens a specific URL.


    I managed to create the list of options after the keyword, but now I am stuck at finding a way to open a specific URL based on the chosen option/query.


    is there a way similar to this, or am I completely on the wrong way?


    if {query}="option1"


      open -a Safari http://url1.com

    elif {query}="option2"


      open -a Safari http://url2.com


      open a- Safari http://url3.com



    Thank you!


    This can be done multiple ways, it just kinda depends on what exactly you want it to do. If you just want to scroll through the list of options, you could do this without a workflow by just creating numerous web searches that use the same keyword. That is the easiest thing to do. If you wanted to filter the results by typing a portion of the name, you would use a workflow. So, how would you like this to function?

  3. It is quite basic to open an app with the preset workflow setting. However, is it possible to create a hotkey workflow so that a new window of Safari can be popped up, instead of just opening Safari app (which leads to opening previously opened Safari window)? 

    If anyone knows how to solve this issue, I would appreciate your help very much. 


    To make a new window in Safari, you could do the following...


    Make a new workflow, add a hotkey, add a run script, set the language to osascript and enter the following code.

    tell application "Safari"
        make new document
    end tell
  4. Hi,

    I am new to Alfred and I do not know anything about coding or a lot about websites. I really like the features of opening URL's with queries. I ran across a website that ends in .asp and it appears to hide the query after a search.  Here's the website (http://www.jcsoky.org/ptax_search_name.asp). Any idea how I can make a workflow for this website query?




    Are you familiar with creating Custom Searches in Alfred? Custom Searches will let you use custom urls for a site to search it from Alfred. Copy the url below and enter it into Alfred. This should import a custom search that will allow you to search the site you inquired about. The keyword for it is 'tax' and uses the same search parameters the site does. So, in Alfred you would type 'tax Public John Q'



  5. I am just starting on Alfed 2 and created several  simple workflows that have disappeared.  I replaced 2 of them, just shortcuts to open URL's, and they disappeared within an hour.  Can anyone explain why this is occurring?







    Sorry to hear about this happening. It's certainly not a common thing. Let's check a few things.. First off, where are your workflows/preferences currently stored? The default location is ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences. Or, are you using Dropbox or some other application for syncing your settings?


    Have you tried repairing permissions? There could be a permissions issue preventing the preferences from persisting.

    Have you tried rebooting? 

  6. Ahh, that sucks. Are there any third party calendar programs that Alfred would be able to display in itself? 


    I made a binary at one point that would do this but I think the last time I tried it, it didn't work anymore. It was basically, an obj-c binary that did nothing but query the calendar api for a list of matching events within a time span. I kinda looked at it again last night, and thought about doing it with Swift but didn't get to finish it. I'll keep poking around at it.

  7. I have installed CheatSheet, a little app that pop ups a list with shortcuts when you hold down the cmd key a little bit longer.


    When I now start the clipboard function of Alfred and then select an item with the enter key, then after copying the entry of the clipboard the CheatSheet windows pops up. When I copy it via Cmd-2, Cmd-3, .... all is OK.


    Any chance to avoid this behavior?





    Try unticking the option in Preferences->Features->Clipboard, Advanced Tab to disable 'Auto Paste on Return'. See if turning that off will resolve the issue

  8. Hi everyone,


    So whenever I maneuver to a folder and hit "Open Terminal Here" through Alfred, OSX Yosemite creates a new window with the terminal at the correct place. However, I don't want an entire new window, I want just a new tab situated in my already opened terminal window. Does anybody know how to make Alfred/Terminal default to this behavior?






    I don't think we can with Alfred's built-in "Open Terminal Here" command.

    BUT, you could "Use your own Applescript" to make a file command workflow to replace the built-in.


    You could also go to Preferences->Features->Terminal and select 'Custom' as the Terminal application to customize the command used by Alfred. This doesn't JUST work for using another application, you can also use it to customize how the command is passed to Terminal as well.

  9. Hi I would like to create a workflow that will open a new finder window that will display my NAS with all the shares. This saves me clicking on Finder > NAS ( then all shares are displayed)


    I have tried to modify and existing New Finder Window workflow but no joy. The closest I can get it to do is open the Network Folder


    tell application "Finder"
    	make new Finder window to open folder "Network" of computer container
    end tell

    Can someone point me in the right direction?





    It's really weird.. it doesn't return the folder names when you try to retrieve them. You can tell it to "get folder 'itsname'" but it doesn't show the name on the returned object. TRy something like this..

    tell application "Finder"
    	open folder "NAS" of folder "Network" of the computer container
    end tell

    If you don't have any shares on the NAS mounted, it will just open to that device and require authentication to the device. If you have already mounted a share on that device, it should show the list of shares.

  10. I'd like to be able to trigger an Alfred workflow on my Mac from another machine that has only email access to the outside world.  I'd like the subject line of the email to be available to the workflow as the query/input.


    I could create a rule in Mail.app to run an AppleScript upon receiving an email matching certain criteria, and have that AppleScript do the work I want.  I'm just wondering if there is a clever way to have Alfred accomplish something similar.  (I don't currently use Mail.app, and running it just to do this is overkill.)



    Mail.app wouldn't be required for doing something like this. Any mail application with AppleScript support could probably do this, or you could use some other scripting to perform sending mail from the command line.

  11. Alfred COULD run a script to do things like this but this may be something better accomplished with a cron job. Cron jobs are run automatically at login and can be set to run on a regular interval. 

  12. I just posted it here, Vero. Hope it helps. I also posed a question there that you pros might be able to help me with!


    I took a look at your question and I believe that this CAN be done but its a bit more advanced. Essentially, the way your doing this now is with a File Filter. It's basically the same as a regular file search in Alfred, but targeted to a specific folder or kind of file. To do what you're wanting to do would require a custom Script Filter. A Script Filter allows you to generate the output that Alfred shows through scripting. With that, you could make the text of the results show anything you wanted, but requires scripting knowledge.


    Hello everybody, this is my first post here.


    Today all of a sudden, without doing anything, my custom web searches were reset and all the ones I created manually disappeared. This happened on my work machine and quickly propagated to my home computer as well, with the result that now I have no custom searches on any of my machines.


    I sync Alfred through Dropbox, which supports versioning. I was thinking that maybe there is a preference file in which the custom searches are stored, and that I could restore that file to a previous, say yesterday’s, version?


    Can you please advise on what file/s to restore to try and have the custom web searches back?


    Thank you for your help.



    Try checking here: <your sync path>/Alfred.alfredpreferences/preferences/features/websearch


    The defaults should be located there in folders and your customs should be located within the prefs.plist there

  14. I am trying to modify the Outlook workflows posted here to work with the new version of Outlook. I added the new data path to the search scope (Users ▸ brad ▸ Library ▸ Group Containers ▸ UBF8T346G9.Office ▸ Outlook ▸ Outlook 15 Profiles ▸ Main Profile ▸ Data) but it does seem to find anything no matter what I search for.


    Spotlight finds things without any problems when I use the search parameter "kMDItemTitle", which is what I want, to be able to search for a subject string. 


    Anyone have any ideas? This is the only thing keeping me from moving away from Mail.app for good (the Exchange attachments bug is killing 


    I don't have access to the latest version of Outlook but just taking a glance at the workflow you mentioned, it looks like there may be one other thing to change. Without being able to see the structure, I can't confirm that this will fix it but, let try this..


    In the workflow, it also specified a file type. The workflow specified a com.microsoft.outlook14.message file type. Try navigating to the area that you know the data resides and find a file that you can confirm is an outlook message. Remove the current file type in the workflow, then drag one of the files that you believe to be a message into the file types box. It COULD be that it was attempting to filter on an outdated file type.  As mentioned, this is just a guess. Let me know back how this works please.

  15. An update for this old topic.

    I'm now on Yosemite (server and client edition).

    And have Spotlight that not search on Network shared folder while Alfred yes.

    How is possible ???


    Here's the thread of this complain (i report also here my issue):


    I've a Mac Mini Server (Yosemite server) where is located the folder: 'Studio'. This folder is shared in the same network.

    I've a Client iMac (Yosemite) that access to that folder 'Studio' located on server.

    Spotlight on Server is able to search in that folder. Spotlight on Client is NOT able to search in that folder.

    I've run on Client terminal:

    sudo mdutil -E /Volumes/Studio

    And have this error:


    2015-02-14 11:53:22.017 mdutil[4611:159875] mdutil disabling Spotlight: /Volumes/Studio -> kMDConfigSearchLevelOff

    Error: unable to perform operation. (-403)

    Server search enabled.


    Alfred on iMac clients works ... 

    It's really odd, isn't it ?

    Alfred not relies on Spotlight ?

    How is possible that Alfred works and Spotlight no ???


    Originally.. sudo mdutil -E -i on /Volumes/Studio resolved your issue, which I believe would be required to enable indexing on this volume again. Have you attempted using the '-i on' switch this time as well?

  16. Could you share the workflow you have created, it may be a simple case of the script escaping in Alfred.


    [moved to workflow help]


    Not sure the issue behind this one but thought I would mention Andrew... I tried several iterations of this and noticed that if I make a script, we'll call it convert.sh that does nothing but set a variable to the output of pbpaste, echo's that, and then also writes the value to a text file also. If I copy the text mentioned above, then run the script from a terminal, I see the text echoed as expected, but the string that's written to the file (just doing a simple echo $output > log.txt) shows the string like this when I use less to view it <D2>You<D5>re smart!<D3>. 


    There's something weird with those smart quotes. It works as expected when I used a string that didn't contain those things. I wonder if they are getting encoded somehow. The strange thing is though is that, when I call the script from alfred, i'm getting those results. Alfred calls an external script that should do the processing and just returned the cleaned up output.


    I guess I'm rambling at this point. Just wanted to let you know some of the stuff I tested to see if it could help you track this down.


    I have a script filter that looks like this:

    echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
    echo "<items>"
    find ~/Documents -name '.git' -path '*{query}*' -exec dirname {} \; | while read -r file
    base=$(basename "$file")
    echo "<item type=\"file\" arg=\"${file}\" uuid=\"${file}\" autocomplete=\"${base}\">"
    echo "<title>${base}</title>"
    echo "<subtitle>${file}</subtitle>"
    echo "<icon type=\"fileicon\">${file}</icon>"
    echo "</item>"
    echo "</items>"

    The purpose of this script is to search all of my projects to be able to open them in Sublime. It looks for .git folders to accomplish this. This works great, but can be a bit slow as it is firing on every keystroke. The results either show up immediately or takes up to 1-3 seconds to appear. It's likely because I'm calling find over and over. The result doesn't change that often, so I figure that caching the results would help out a great deal.


    Are there any existing solutions to this, or do I have to roll my own? If the ladder, is there any way to create a filter that makes an HTTP request? I was thinking I could make a daemon in Go that would keep a cache of the file listing that would periodically update itself.



    If they don't change very often you may be better served just making a workflow that has those paths saved and just updating it when necessary. You prevent having to have edit the xml all the time, just save the project name, description, path in an array and loop that.

  18. Errr....feel silly asking this question, but I can't find a way to delete an object from a work flow.  


    There is a plus button, but no minus button.  Right-click only gives me the option to"Configure", "Copy" or "Paste".


    And I can't find anything on the Help site, in the tutorials or on these forums.


    Any help would be appreciated.




    Click/Select the item and press the Delete key. You'll be prompted for confirmation before deletion.

  19. Hi,

    I'm looking for workflow, which allow me to create list of favourites web sites and then quick open these sites by Alfred. Do you know about something like this?

    I have found similar solution for folders but not for www addresses. 


    Thank for your help.


    Have you taken a look at Alfred's Web Search functionality? I believe that it should cover the use you are looking for.

  20. Hi very excited to see Alfred Remote finally out. I'm playing a little with it and I started imagining another main page for the app.


    I'm a big fan of Alfred's simplicity and power. I would recognise Alfred more if for example the Remote app had just one microphone icon button that when you press it, shows Alfred on my Mac and is ready to type whatever I'm saying. 

    Exactly like Alfred for Mac, Alfred Remote should have just one simple magic key that does it all.




    A remote Trackpad/keyboard is a must because we can't always talk to type. I wish it would copy the BTT Remote style which I think is the best and the smartest of iOS remotes. But since this is Alfred it should also mimic the main window when typing so I imagine a purple hat icon on top corner left to activate a neat searchbar (maybe even sync themes between Mac and iPhone?) and retrieve the same results than on my Mac.




    A Notification Center widget for iOS would be nice to Wake, Restart, Shut Down and Sleep commands. And a way to control Mac volume with iPhone volume buttons.



    (I tried to draw what I meant lol too frustrated)




    Dude.. is that an iPhone 3G? I think it's about time for an upgrade? :)

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