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Everything posted by JAnderton

  1. The Keyboard Shortcuts only work inside the app. Alfred would provide the ability to do this globally. Update: I take that back, it does have 2 global shortcuts. On Mac, Cmd+Shift+A to add a task and Cmd+Shift+T to open Todoist. Works quite well
  2. @exalyon: could you upload the themes on packal? They'll maintain active links to the theme
  3. I'm a huge fan of PogDesign's TV Calendar so this service is great! A few feature requests.. Can the tv/tvl commands also have an optional configuration to feature data based on your personal filter? This might require either adding one's credentials in or your cookie details into the source (unless you could do so in the UI as setup. Either would be fine. Can you add another shortcut ("cat open", "tvcal open" or something else) that would open http://www.pogdesign.co.uk/cat/in your default browser. Of course, I could add a separate workflow for this but I think it's a good feature to have in this workflow.
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