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Everything posted by Acidham

  1. Me either...I contacted the developer, and he said I discontinued the Workflow. He was also not able to find it anymore Therefore I filled that gap.
  2. https://transfer.sh/nl61tv/Basic Universal Actions (Text & URL).alfredworkflow
  3. Yeah you are right it is the "Basic Universal Action (Text&URL) workflow.
  4. Hi @spencer the use case seems already available in Alfred 5, if I am not mistaken:
  5. Good catch @Vero! But I am red/green colorblind, and therefore it does not pierce my eyes
  6. No sorry, when installing new workflows all hotkeys will be removed to avoid conflicts. Therefore, I added the Shortcut as a suggestion in README, but you need to set up for your own. Btw: I released new version 1.1.1
  7. New release 1.1.0: https://github.com/Acidham/alfred-window-manager/releases/latest
  8. Ok ...then I could add suggestion into the Readme?
  9. Alfred Workflow to move/resize/position windows with keyboard shortcuts: https://github.com/Acidham/alfred-window-manager/releases/latest The workflow requires Automation Tasks !
  10. Alfred Workflow to move/resize/position windows For actions like Left/Right Position, Maximize, and Center Two Thirds, the workflow saves the window state so that you can restore it at any time. Author: @Acidham Git: https://github.com/Acidham/alfred-window-manager
  11. It is only available in “Add” not Search. Search require existing folders by nature You can add ~/ABC or absolute path. The config.json is stored in Workflow Data directory under Application Support/Alfred
  12. I added the ability to let the WF create src, target folders when not available. https://github.com/Acidham/rsync-folders/releases/tag/v1.6.5 I am not planning to implement that..too much work given the value getting out of it. Re-Creating the rsync set is not a big deal in case folders were deleted.
  13. @vitor +100 …the delay makes total sense! @TomBenz I got it now and makes sense. I will add this to the backlog!
  14. Alfred Gallery will update with some delay. I found this bug and just fixed it. Please download it again. re questions: 1. will be opened as txt file in default txt editor 2. I don't know ... test it 3. I don't understand the use case. Sub-Folders and files below will be in sync as well. In general, the WF just keep both folder in sync including deletions, that's it.
  15. @TomBenzI released a new version with an option to show rsync log in a text file after completion. let me know if this fits your request? https://github.com/Acidham/rsync-folders/releases/tag/v1.6.0
  16. which version of Alfred are you using? Did you install Alfred Automation Tasks?
  17. Forgot to migrate this workflow to Alfred 5 with User Configuration. I just uploaded new release v4.2.3 with User Configuration. https://github.com/Acidham/recent-files-in-folders/releases/latest
  18. What is the result of python3 -V? For me, it looks like issues with Xcode. Do the following: xcode-select --install installes Command Line Dev tools If the above does not help please try sudo xcode-select --reset
  19. You can use ImageShrinker in two ways: by browsing a folder, choose a file and then send it via file action to ImageShrinker Use Universal Action in on a selected image file in Finder and then send it to ImageShrinker Getting image file from the clipboard requires additional extensions as far as I know (e.g. Python lib or something). I would like to avoid the dependency.
  20. Author: @Acidham Alfred Forum Thread: Github: https://github.com/Acidham/alfred-image-shrinker/releases/latest
  21. Shrinks an image by reducing size of the longest side and optimize the color of the image for sharing. The workflow accepts one image file via file action. Download: https://github.com/Acidham/alfred-image-shrinker/releases/latest Usage ImageShrinker can be used in two ways: by browsing a folder or file, select the image file and then send it via file action to ImageShrinker by using Universal Actions*: select an image file in Finder, enter Universal Actions and send it to ImageShrinker * Using Unviersal Actions: Open Alfred Preferences → Features → Universal Actions Required Alfred 5 Automation Task
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