I'm using the AppleScript below as part of a workflow to get mail messages to OmniFocus. This recently broke. I'm just wondering if anyone has a clue what the issue may be? Not sure if this is due to an Apple update, or an OmniFocus one.
Error message
[2017-01-11 10:29:46][input.keyword] Processing output of 'action.applescript' with arg ''
[2017-01-11 10:29:46][ERROR: action.applescript] {
NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = OmniFocus;
NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "Unable to convert the string \U201cmessage://<03D12B465157E52C189B6D836173733D254AF6F9@AMX>\U201d to a url. Make sure that the string is a valid URL, including quoting characters that aren't valid in URLs.";
NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "OmniFocus got an error: Unable to convert the string \U201cmessage://<03D12B465157E52C189B6D836173733D254AF6F9@AMX>\U201d to a url. Make sure that the string is a valid URL, including quoting characters that aren't valid in URLs.";
NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = 1;
NSAppleScriptErrorRange = "NSRange: {1161, 94}";
[2017-01-11 10:29:46][action.applescript] Processing output of 'output.notification' with arg ''
on alfred_script(q)
OmniFocus Selected Mail Messages.applescript
Copyright (c) 2015 Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch: http://rentzsch.com
Some rights reserved: http://opensource.org/licenses/mit
Pure AppleScript reimplementation of OmniGroup's Clip-o-Tron for OmniFocus.
Hopefully this implementation will be more resilient against OS X, Mail, and OmniFocus updates.
Successfully tested against OS X 10.10.1, OmniFocus 1.10.6, and OmniFocus 2.0.4.
tell application "Mail"
set _sel to the selection
repeat with _msg in _sel
set _msgSubject to _msg's subject
set _msgBody to _msg's content
set _msgSender to _msg's sender
set _msgURL to "message://<" & _msg's message id & ">"
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell quick entry
set _task to make new inbox task with properties {name:_msgSubject, note:_msgBody}
tell note of _task
insert "From: " & _msgSender & " Original Message" & (ASCII character 10) & (ASCII character 10) at before paragraphs
set value of attribute "link" of style of characters -1 thru -17 of first paragraph to _msgURL
end tell
end tell
end tell
end repeat
end tell
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell quick entry to open
end tell
tell application "System Events" to keystroke tab
end alfred_script