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Everything posted by manavortex

  1. Hey everyone, I have a small script where I hold a bunch of frequently-asked links in a list filter for easy tech support on a (game-modding related) Discord server. I use a list filter with an applescript to update my clipboard and paste (URLs and images). I'm not sure if this is maybe the wrong utility or if there'd be something better - however, this meets my needs almost-perfectly. However... Export I live in perpetual fear of accidentally deleting my list. I know that I can import a CSV, but I don't see how i can export my existing list. Is there an option that I'm not seeing? I'd expect an export button somewhere in the yellow box at the button... Filter I have literally dozens of keywords. If I want to upgrade one, I have to find it in the list first, which... includes a lot of scrolling. A filter (green box) would fix that for me. Thank you for maintaining this awesome tool. I hope you consider my suggestions!
  2. Three years late to the party, but I am having the same issue. Can this be done?
  3. Hello there, this is my laziness speaking and I know it. However, I have wondered if the following is possible: I have the first image: Every script filter is hooked up to two outputs, there will be #scriptFilter*2 connections I want the second image: Every script filter is hooked up to a single junction, which is in turn hooked up to two actions, there will be #scriptFilter+2 connections Can this be done, and if not, is it worth filing a feature request for?
  4. Hey deanishe, thank you for answering the question. Does it make sense to file a feature request for this?
  5. Hello forum, What's the best practice for a workflow trigger (keyword or script filter) that uses an optional argument with a fallback value? Example 1 (I made this up): I want to more easily yell at people on the internet, so I have a workflow that turns text to caps. My clipboard is "foo". I call caps and expect my script to receive "foo". I call caps wasd and expect my script to receive "wasd". Example 2: Like example 1, but instead of the contents, I want to use hardcoded text. I call caps and expect my script to receive "your mother". ... What's the best practice to do that? This would be the in-script solution. Is there a built-in way to do this? import sys from AppKit import NSPasteboard, NSStringPboardType def getClipboard(): pb = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard() pbstring = pb.stringForType_(NSStringPboardType) return u"Pastboard string: %s".encode("utf-8") % repr(pbstring) query = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 2 else getClipboard() # query = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 2 else "your mother" #example 2 sys.stdout.write(query.upper())
  6. Yes, please, it would be glorious
  7. Hello there, I'm using Ditto on windows, and one "feature" that I love about it is that, basically, as long as clipboard history is opened, pressing the hotkey again selects the next item in the list instead, like in Alfred, closing the overlay. Ditto: Ctrl+Shift+V - Clipboard History opens Ctrl+Shift+V - item #2 is selected, equivalent to down arrow Ctrl+Shift+V - item #3 is selected, equivalent to down arrow Alfred: Ctrl+Shift+V - Clipboard History opens Ctrl+Shift+V - Clipboard History closes Ctrl+Shift+V - Clipboard History opens Would it be possible to add a checkbox to change hotkey behaviour that way? Thank you.
  8. Two years later... Sorry for the thread-necromancy. I meant to get back to this tomorrow... next week... soon, and then suddenly, it was 2019. But I could deliberately call it on clipboard update. I do love the clipboard manager, but right now I have a clumsy KeyboardMaestro macro to achieve what I want. Perhaps you could add the option to run a script with the clipboard contents as argument from the clipboard manager?
  9. Hey, my main use case is copying URLs from Safari and removing the referrers via regex. Currently I'm doing it via keyboard maestro, my regex (for now) is ((\??(ref|src|fb[a-z]{4,}|utm_source)=.+))(.*) If I have an URL like https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-internet-comics/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=BPFacebook& that basically leaves https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-internet-comics/ Since Alfred already has a builtin clipboard manager, it would be my tool of choice. What I'd like would be one of the following: Trigger an Alfred workflow on external clipboard change (to avoid endless recursion) Advantage: Greater flexibility Disadvantage: Another kind of trigger that you might not want to replace A feature to the Alfred clipboard manager to replace clipboard content based on rules Advantage: More foolproof Disadvantage: Would probably require major changes..? Please let me know how I can achieve that with built-in means!
  10. Yes, please. The ability to edit clipboard contents is something that Alfred is sorely lacking.
  11. https://www. facebook.com/FunnyMommentsLOL/photos/a.1703119446610717.1073741828.1703117756610886/1879942035595123/?type=3&theater https://www. facebook.com/FunnyMommentsLOL/photos/a.1703119446610717.1073741828.1703117756610886/1879942035595123/?type=3 https://www. facebook.com/FunnyMommentsLOL/photos/a.1703119446610717.1073741828.1703117756610886/1879942035595123/&theater
  12. Hey there, I've submitted my feature request. Basically, I think that anything matching this regexes (?<=facebook.com)?\?type=\d.* \?source=.* could go..? Thanks for your support!
  13. Hey there, I request the feature to have Alfred trigger on clipboard update, so that I can parse and update my clipboard contents according to my needs. Use Case: I copy a facebook link like this: https://www.facebook.com/TheBestCatPage/photos/a.994717007212298.1073741828.994713583879307/1593316110685715/?type=3&theater My workflow automatically strips the ?/type=3&theater from the link and update the clipboard contents. Use Case 2: I copy a link that exceeds a certain character limit. My workflow grabs the clipboard content, runs them through a link shortener of my choice, and updates the clipboard contents with my new, shortened link. I hope this can be done, it'd be awesome. While LinkClean is very helpful, it requires that I have to run it - I'd like to get rid of that step!
  14. Hey vitor, thanks for your reply. Pity that it can't be done automatically. I'll submit a feature request if I find out how.
  15. Hey there, I want a workflow that automatically cleans up links in my clipboard (for example, strip the "type=3&theater" from facebook links). For that, I would like to have my Alfred workflow to trigger whenever I update my clipboard, so that I can follow the logic after. How do I achieve that? Thank you already
  16. Hey Andrew, I have replaced that, but that doesn't seem to be the icon that the app is actually using! Thank you so much for your help though.
  17. Hello everyone, I have a problem - it looks as follows: It's literally driving me insane. Where can I find the item for the alfred preferences, so that I can exchange it? It doesn't seem to be inside alfred.app - I've even considered searching for kind:image and checking every single image by hand. >.< Thank you in advance.
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