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  1. yes, still happening. do I just have to move my preferences out of Dropbox?
  2. I added the Dropbox offline mode and will let you know if it happens again
  3. The Clipboard History > Viewer Hotkey is Cmd+Shift+C even when set to something different.
  4. Just did the first restart in a while and it happened again, ugh
  5. thanks for confirming the default behavior after restarting Alfred... so the only issue is that the original issue happened again upon computer restart, which I haven't yet done again since my previous message.
  6. Haven't restarted my computer in a couple days but it just happened again... saw there was an Alfred update, did it, then the issue went away... then I opened Alfred search bar and hit up arrow to see what I typed previously and it wasn't there, none of the history... not sure if that's a bug or part of the normal update experience
  7. It was happened for both Paste app (SetApp) and Copy 'Em app (Mac App Store) over the past months. Today, I updated macOS from 13.5 to 13.5.1 Upon restart, it hasn't yet happened (1 attempt). I'll update this ticket if it happens again. tyvm for all the quick help!
  8. v5.1.2 [2145] The Viewer Hotkey is under Clipboard History, not Snippets.
  9. I prefer another clipboard history manager and set its hotkey to Cmd+Opt+C, which is either what the default from Alfred is or is what I previously had assigned in Alfred. Every so often upon a fresh computer startup, Alfred's Snippets (part of Clipboard History if I'm not mistaken) appear instead of my other clipboard app. It works to go to Alfred Preferences > Clipboard History > Viewer Hotkey > set it to anything else However, even after doing so and doing subsequent rebooting of the computer, Cmd+Opt+C still pops up Alfred. Going to Alfred's preferences, I see my Viewer Hotkey looks to still be set to something different, but if I re-record the Viewer Hotkey, then the issue is again resolved.
  10. @deanishe thank you! It worked However, when I change it from "with input as argv" to "with input as {query}" (and changed your code to either $gross = {query}; or $gross = "{query}"; then it wouldn't work. Where is documentation for this? I didn't find these specifications at https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/ For example, what else is available within the $argv array?
  11. @giovanni tyvm but is there any way to stick with PHP so I can be comfortable editing further and to learn for other snippets? In PHP, I tried both `return` and `echo` of JSON and it didn't work like your script did I want the result to pass through to the clipboard action so I can auto-paste
  12. I just want to enter "pfee 100" to get "3.2" entered into my clipboard (100 x 2.9% + 0.30) agh! Here's my 4min demo video of how/why it's not working if you could PLEASE help: https://share.getcloudapp.com/NQuwnnr2 And the start of my workflow is here: https://share.getcloudapp.com/llu5eeEE tyvm!
  13. Published to https://github.com/cliffordp/alfred-app-workflows#development if it helps anyone else in the future Again, thanks to you people for helping!
  14. I had a different filter in the middle and I guess deleting it made it connect further down the road - or, more likely, I didn't initially connect it properly anyway. ugh - not on my game with this one My regex and vitor's regex both worked, but I did appreciate your explanation of the rule - it does sound better - although the plus is better than asterisk, as demonstrated here (not matching double slash): https://regex101.com/r/wvT3FC/1 I didn't add the $1 as a replacement because I do want it removed Thanks for the help and the tips. Really appreciate it!
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