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Everything posted by mdbraber

  1. As a workaround: here's a while loop which detects is Alfred is at the forefront and disables a specific macro group as long as the Alfred window is visible
  2. Is it possible to run a command or workflow whenever the Alfred window is shown / hidden? I want to deactivate certain KeyboardMaestro groups when Alfred is visible (otherwise key presses go to Alfred instead of Keyboard Maestro). I can link something to the Cmd-Space keypress, but then I don't know when the Alfred window gets hidden again...
  3. Hi, I'm building a workflow that allows my to search the contents of my various document sources (Finder and Evernote). How can I get the results from the "in ..." query and combine those with a Script Filter (namely evernote). Is there a certain element that I can use to combine or join them? thanks! Maarten
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