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  1. Thank yo so much, will try that now, this is such a nice improvement to have in alfred!
  2. Ok one more update (sorry for the spam). So it appears this happens with clients that are named in my system like this "Last Name, First Name - Business Name" Something about the it seems to break right after "Last Name," and then splits to a different path, guessing this has to do with file separators for adding multiple directories. I cannot change my folder names (it has hundreds) is there anything I can do to make it act like one complete path?
  3. Looking at debug it almost looks like it's breaking the name into different file paths. Trying to find a way to show you this without showing my file names to the public.
  4. I've set the path with the included selector, also when I select my downloads folder it seems fine, so it seems like it's something with the google drive (or folders inside my drive). Weirdly, It works fine with one of the main files in my drive "Clients" but the second I try to get it to drill into this client folder by default, I get the mentioned issue. Also it works fine on other clients folders, so it must be something with this one, they are all named similarly so that is very strange. What else can I check / try from my side as it appears to be an issue with this one clients folder
  5. Firstly, this is great; we've been looking for something like this for a very long time. (We make grocery ads and need to always search for files by thumbnail.) But the issue we're having is, we can use NAV and go to the folder we need, but when we set the quick access file/hotkey, it goes to user.workflow instead of opening the folder. The issue we're guessing is the folder we're trying to access is on our computer but in the Google Drive section. The file path for quick access is listed like this "~/My Drive (my@email.com)/Clients/Client Name/Files/Pictures/Stock Photos," but when we click the hotkey, it opens the workflows/user workflows folder. We have checked that Alfred has full disk access; what else can we try? Thank you!
  6. Hey Deanishe, any suggestions on how to do that? I use this workflow constantly and am missing it!
  7. ok that sounds like the avenue I should head down, thank you so much for looking at this for me, you have been quite helpful throughout the years!
  8. Awesome, thank you, this is written in googles script editor, I have no idea how to get it to link back to my alfred, thank you function newClient() { var clientName = ('Last Name, First Name - Company Name'); var clientFolder = DriveApp.createFolder(clientName); var masterClientFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById("0B2Xyh0kSszIcYXJtemlSSUNlYUE"); masterClientFolder.addFolder(clientFolder); DriveApp.getRootFolder().removeFolder(clientFolder); var clientFilesFolder = DriveApp.createFolder('Files'); var clientNotesFolder = DriveApp.createFolder('Notes'); var clientReportsFolder = DriveApp.createFolder('Reports'); //add new folders to new client folder and remove extra root drive folders clientFolder.addFolder(clientFilesFolder); DriveApp.getRootFolder().removeFolder(clientFilesFolder); clientFolder.addFolder(clientNotesFolder); DriveApp.getRootFolder().removeFolder(clientNotesFolder); clientFolder.addFolder(clientReportsFolder); DriveApp.getRootFolder().removeFolder(clientReportsFolder); var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1BEcSVNy2esknAtcKc5-W_cV-PQy0yJAKt4rdLizrgNc"); var newSS = ss.copy(ss.getName () + " for " + (clientName)); // Move to original folder var newSSFile = DriveApp.getFileById(newSS.getId()); clientFolder.addFile(newSSFile); DriveApp.getRootFolder().removeFile(newSSFile); var ss2 = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1uIbex2ACiIa8AINjivwfLQldQSvMqMZ-Hyl1msbj8Tg"); var newSS2 = ss2.copy(ss2.getName () + " for " + (clientName)); // Move to original folder var newSS2File = DriveApp.getFileById(newSS2.getId()); clientFolder.addFile(newSS2File); DriveApp.getRootFolder().removeFile(newSS2File); var ss3 = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1rbyaBq5dQuYMwOtv1isZg0Bf2OHY3W3eaL4zP_wayhY"); var newSS3 = ss3.copy(ss3.getName () + " for " + (clientName)); // Move to original folder var newSS3File = DriveApp.getFileById(newSS3.getId()); clientNotesFolder.addFile(newSS3File); DriveApp.getRootFolder().removeFile(newSS3File); } So its just taking my input of name (Last name, first name - Company) and making copies of files I have in a template folder. So all I need to do is be able to run this script from within alfred and have it pass the argument to the var ClientName Thank you so much for looking at this
  9. well thats a good sign. Ok to add script here? It references files but I dont think anyone could access them without being in my account right? Or should censor it or PM you the code?
  10. I havent had any luck with this as I know its pretty complicated. I do have one more question for you if you dont mind (and thank you so much for all the help you have provided throughout the years!) The script I wrote about above is a google script and only requires one thing to be changed, the name field, which propogates all the documents with the right names. What im wondering is, is there any way to trigger this script from within alfred and pass the one variable I need to the script. Right now I have to open the script (which I do with an alfred shortcut) change the varialbe I need and then run it, Im just wondering if I can hotkey open alfred, type the name and hit enter to run the script. Just not sure if Alfred can interact with google that way. Thank you so much!
  11. Hmm not sure how that would implement, thinking about it now, maybe I could do it with IFTTT and another program, not really sure how to accomplish this, thank you for taking a look
  12. Good Morning, I am writing on a whim here so no rush or urgency, I just have always had great success bringing my ideas to the table here and seeing what others think. I run a web hosting / design company, and use Alfred every day all day for many of my tasks. One of my organizational techniques is Google Drive with a huge client folder structure where each client has a folder (last name, first name - Company name) and then inside each folder I have sub folder (files, notes, etc) and even a password doc that gets changed for each client (Passwords for Last Name, First Name - Company name) and the same with general information. I tell you all of this so you can see how it connects with alfred. I then use the a Drive workflow from this forum to query the drive for the files im looking for quickly. IE: Open Alred >> D passwords for clients name shows me that document and I can open right there. First thing I want to know, and I know this is a long shot. Any way to make it show the contents of that doc in alfred (I would imagine it couldnt pull the data, but just wanted to throw it out there0 Then my main question. Is there any way I can use this same type of flow, (make a google docs file called Notes for Client Name) and be able to add content to it straight from alfred. It would be extremely helpful to have a way to add a quick 1 line note to a clients files for when we make changes that need to be documented or time lined. So I would say Open Afred >> Notes for client name >> Made changes to adword account 8/24/2018, and that would be written write into that notes file I created, and every time I did that it would just be added to a new line (could be a spreadsheet) Any thoughts, I know its a long shot but ive seen that great workflow I sheet you not that interacts with sheets. Thank you for any suggestions!
  13. Wow thank you for taking the time to explain that to me, I understand a little more and now this command is working flawlessly, thank you so much! You are always an amazing help deanishe
  14. yep that what I was using, but how would I run this command through script ssh <host> pmset sleepnow Wouldnt I need to call terminal and everything, sorry im very novice with all of this
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