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  1. cdpath

    Write Down URL

    @snoop182 copy_link and write_down_link(this one) serve for different case, actually. Can you tell me what troubles you to set up the workflow? Maybe I can update the setup process a little bit
  2. The keyword for Snippet Trigger is not exported, so the user who installs a workflow that uses Snippet Trigger has to set the keyword himself; otherwise, the workflow will not work at all. (Case: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/19464-write-down-url/ ) The process could be made easier if the keyword for Snippet Trigger could be configured through the Configuration Builder, for example, using {var:keyword}.
  3. Anki Search Workflow Download: https://github.com/cdpath/anki_search/releases/tag/v0.0.3 GitHub: https://github.com/cdpath/anki_search Setup Front Fields: Specify fields for search results' titles. Back Fields: Specify fields for search results' subtitles. Usage Use as to search notes. Hit `ENTER` to open results in the Anki Browser. Use at to list all tags. Dependencies Python3 Anki Addon: Anki-Connect https://github.com/FooSoft/anki-connect
  4. Eudic workflow Eudic is a popular dictionary application in China Usage eudic {query} Demo GitHub https://github.com/cdpath/eudic_tools Download https://github.com/cdpath/eudic_tools/raw/master/workflows/Eudic.alfredworkflow
  5. Write Down URL Use Snippet Trigger to fetch title/url from browser and insert right into your current editor Supported Browser - Chrome - Arc - Safari Supported Editor - iA Writer, Obsidian, Logseq - Scapple, Scrivener3, Evernote - Apple Notes Demo GitHub https://github.com/cdpath/alfred_workflows/tree/master/WriteDownURL
  6. this is a simple workflow that collects several fallback searches: - Search in DEVONthink - Search in Calibre (6.0 or above) - Search in Obsidian demonstration download: https://github.com/cdpath/alfred_workflows/tree/master/ExtraFallbackSearches
  7. ScreenShot GitHub - https://github.com/cdpath/anki_search Why - Searching in Anki Desktop breaks for a long time, so I make this helper workflow as a workaround. Thanks @deanishe for great https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-workflow
  8. Thank you! I'll look into it
  9. Get item URI from frontmost application as markdown format Credits: Highly inspired by [Hook – Links beat searching](https://hookproductivity.com/) and my previous workflow(which is triggered Snippet Trigger) Use case: Let's say you are writing some blog and want to insert some reference links. You can simply hit Shift-Command-C in Chrome to get the title and link of web page in [title](url) format. Supported Apps: DEVONthink 3 Obsidian Zotero (require zotxt) Chrome Safari Todo: Support more URI format, for example HTML <a> tag or RTF But I'm not sure what's the best way to do so, maybe with Action Modifier? Download: https://github.com/cdpath/copy_link/releases/download/v0.0.2/Copy.Link.alfredworkflow GitHub: https://github.com/cdpath/copy_link
  10. Found the bug finally. In the purple Run Script below, I actually passed nothing to the next action (only send content in pbcopy) , which means the following Copy to Clipboard has nothing to do. Meanwhile, with regex ^((?!(ulysses)).)*$, the third branch is selected too. Yet still cannot figure out why branch 2 and branch 3 together can ACTUALLY works...
  11. Yeah, I checked both Automatically paste to front most app and Mark item as transient in clipboard The wired thing is, with anything else unchanged, the regex in else (the filter utility) can affect the behavior of the second branch (the one with Notes, Evernote, scapple). regex cause problem: ^((?!(ulysses|Notes|Evernote|scapple)).)*$ regex that works fine: ^((?!(ulysses)).)*$
  12. I got your point. I simply put Key Combo alongside Copy to Clipboard to give some illustration (misleading, though 😂). Without the Key Combo, the Copy to Clipboard alone still didn't work. Here is the updated workflow: https://github.com/cdpath/alfred_workflows/releases/tag/0.0.7
  13. I did some experiment. Here is what I found: Problem 1 The regex Notes|Evernote|scapple actually works fine Problem 2 I found Regular Expression to exclude a list of words and figured out the following regex to mimic fallback else ^((?!(ulysses|Notes|Evernote|scapple)).)*$ So I got this: And something fancy happened. The second branch (Notes|Evernote|scapple) doesn't work anymore. It seems Copy to Clipboard failed to paste the incoming content. I have to use Key Combo to fix it. I highly doubt it has something to do with the performance of regex in else branch: ^((?!(ulysses|Notes|Evernote|scapple)).)*$ . If I replace it with ^((?!(ulysses)).)*$ , everything works fine.
  14. Why I need this? Sometimes I just found myself repeating copy/paste URL and title from Chrome to write some reference. Even worse, different apps accept different format (Yeah, I'm talking about you, Ulysses!). So here is my workflow: Usage Just type \\u in your favorite app. Problem 1. I tried and failed to use matches regex in Filter Utility, that's why I have to hard coded three (and maybe more in the future) filter. This is my failed attempt: Notes|Evernote|scapple 2. The else (marked in red in screenshot above) is not actually fallback, which may lead to some bug. # What I thought it would be if condition_a: ... elif condition_b: ... elif condition_c: ... # How it actually works if condition_a: ... if condition_b: ... if condition_c: ... Download https://github.com/cdpath/alfred_workflows/releases/tag/0.1.1
  15. Thanks! Those built-in examples are really useful. I'll go through them all.
  16. Is it possible that while I type \\define useful <enter> Alfred pass the parameter (useful in this case) to the workflow?
  17. Copy table from Numbers and paste as markdown table. Download GitHub Repo Acknowledgement 1. https://github.com/schmijos/html-table-parser-python3 2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2545289/getting-rtf-data-out-of-mac-os-x-pasteboard-clipboard
  18. I found a setting in MacVim, 'Quit MacVim' after last window closes. Now it works.
  19. Found a issue with MacVim 8.0 on macOS Sierra. When I `:wq` to finish editing, MacVim process still exists, and this workflow hang over there until I CMD-Q MacVim itself. So I have to use the following one to make sure MacVim is done, which, of cause will affect other MacVim window (if there is one). /usr/local/bin/mvim -f $filename && killall MacVim Is there a better way out? Thank you in advance!
  20. 1. I've updated source codes in GitHub 2. 'cos I don't know . I've rewrite the workflow according to your advice. Thank you!
  21. This workflow simply: 1. save clipboard to a temporary file 2. open that temp file with MacVim 3. Waiting for you to finish editing (by default, you have 30s to edit) 4. Send edited content to clipboard GitHub repo, download from GitHub
  22. Any update for Firefox? I use Vimperator and send key strokes to get the title and url, but it's not reliable...
  23. inspired by http://veritrope.com/code/export-all-safari-tabs-to-evernote download https://github.com/cdpath/nvALT usage 1. nvs {query} +---> search in nvALT 2. s2n +---> save safari tabs in nvALT
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