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Everything posted by jeffsui

  1. Hmm.. obviously i'm pointing something out that i thought was always going to be a string. Do you have any meetings that have a number as their name or something? Are you using google or outlook or both? Could you open the: dbgtoday and open the log and send me the output? That might help things. In about 2 weeks i'm going to be on travel and have some time to work on making changes on the airplane. Did the plugin ever work before also? If we can find the line where its erring this should be an easy fix and i can get that done prob today.
  2. How would you sugg st I do this? Show just the remaining days in the week below? Or... show the full week? And you just have to navigate through? happy to give it a whirl
  3. If you are not running the "latest and greatest" its possible Emoji wont render on your system. The Emoji data comes off the Unicode website and I believe the Apple support gets updated depending on the support in the latest beta. Aka - I can't do bacon emoji right now but its supposed to be coming in iOS 10.2
  4. I created a sample workflow to demonstrate how one could implement a progress bar. This workflow requires Alfred 3.2 and takes advantage of the `rerun` feature. https://github.com/jeeftor/ProgressBar
  5. Interesting - I wrote something somewhat similar for personal use. I actually compiled a custom version of (https://github.com/luosheng/OpenSim) and gave it an Alfred interface. Looks like what you have here is a better option. I'll check it out at work on monday.
  6. I believe there is a 3rd party force quit workflow out there that has a confirmation option. You could disable the in-app alfred one and try to find a user made fq workflow.
  7. @andrew This would be great. In my use case for my Today workflow, the ScriptFilter first shows cached data. In the background it spawns an update query. If the update detects changed data against what was already saved I hide Alfred and re-open it to refresh the data. This looks kind "dumb" to the users - but it works. It would be much nicer if there was a better way to do this.
  8. The reason I had to hide alfred was I needed to refresh the view for the same command. In your case you are constructing new commands by adding a period to the input. Have you found a way to keep the "timer" going while having the text on the screen say "repeatrepeat" without adding the periods?
  9. So there is a better (different) way to do this Alfred 3.1 You can see the blog post I wrote ( https://medium.com/@Jeef/alfred-today-my-experience-writing-a-plugin-80cbd0fea9c1#.23jbamfye (scroll down to External Trigger and caching) Basically you can fire off an apple script the triggers a hide alfred - then re-open aflred setup and maybe that is what you are looking for?
  10. @MEs I think i noticed that also. It will take me a few days to get to it pretty busy this week.
  11. AHA (potentially) 1) The update script wasn't included in the workflow 2) there was an indentation issue with the code so it wouldn't have worked anyways. New update coming soon - and then maybe i'll push another update out the next day to test the update functionality.
  12. Hey - if you DO want to put the today workflow back on your system - i fixed the SSL issue a day or two after you mentioned it.

  13. To clarify: SSL IS ENABLED BY DEFAULT (as of version 3.9.2) a user does have the ability to disable it in the TC menu So if i understand magic arguments must be working correctly for the download to work. That explains something I think... But you cant have magic arguments + alfred result filtering correct? Thanks. If you want to give the workflow another shot security is completely baked in.
  14. This is strange. It's the second time its popped up: (https://github.com/jeeftor/alfredToday/issues/5) They did the command: dbgtoday workflow:deletecache And that seemed to fix the issue. So looking at your logs here it pulls down: version 4.3 But its also reporting the the last run version is 4.3.0 I wonder if this is at all related??? @deanishe Am I calling the workflow update stuff correctly? if __name__ == '__main__': wf = Workflow3(libraries=['./lib'], help_url=HELP_URL, update_settings={ 'github_slug': 'jeeftor/alfredToday', 'frequency': 7} ) def main(wf): # A bunch of imports statements go here.. # Check to see if updates are available if wf.update_available: wf.add_item('A newer version is available', '↩ to install update', icon='update-available.png', arg='update', valid=True)
  15. Is there a way with a custom workflow to tie into the contact card view? I have a workflow where i'm searching my corporate phonebook and it would be cool to be able to have a similar view to searching on-system contacts. Also due to bloat I dont want to load the corporate phonebook onto my system.
  16. Awesome. Did you try the new quick look "shift" template. It could use a little work but it's better than it was.
  17. I've been writing a lot of workflows lately and its been annoying to have to open aflred right click on a workflow and open either the terminal or finder to it. Here is my `wfd` and `wft` commands that do just that. V0.4 - Updated to support non standard workflow directories: Relative Path
  18. Looks like we are going to need a 4.1 I wonder if you could check your settings.json file which you can find with: dbgtoday workflow:opendata Here is an example settings file. { "__workflow_last_version": "4.0.1", "calendar:h0agblv8sf9c6ruvb6r16e7h80@group.calendar.google.com:2": { "value": "1\t2" }, "regex": { "value": "(https:\\\\/\\\\/meet.xxxxx.org[^\\\"]*)" }, "use_google": { "value": "1" } } In a previous release I was just storing a 1 or 0 for the value command, but in this release I add a second number which is the calendars color setting. It looks to me like the code is trying to pull the color value out but its only getting a single item - hence "need more than 1 value to unpack" I'll try to put some protection into what i'm doing and push a new release out File "/Users/EH/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.BAFE509C-7940-4733-A78C-1F1BEF02EDD3/GoogleInterface.py", line 140, in get_events_for_enabled_calendars enabled,color = self.wf.settings.get(key).get('value').split('\t') ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack If you dont mind checking 1st - then could you run: dbgworkflow workflow:reset which will completely delete everything in the plugin - essentially making it (i hope) like its never been run before. Also new version has a nicer looking QuickLook template for both google and exchange. https://github.com/jeeftor/alfredToday/releases/tag/v4.1.0
  19. MEs you asked what fields i'm capturing - right now time, location, hangout URL, and meeting name (i think). For exchange I actually pull the meeting body out and create a temp file that is connected to quick look. I'm hoping to add this eventually as well as some other things like iCloud calendar, better meeting detection URLs and update the meeting QuickLook template. I made a 4.0: 4.0 IS READY FOR ACTION! Each calendar has a unique event icon to match its color code. In theory should be the same as the color it shows up in your cal i think.
  20. I have a rough version of multi-calendar support up and running now. https://github.com/jeeftor/alfredToday/releases/tag/v3.9.9 Things aren't super polished but I refactored all the google stuff into a single class that can query calendars and events. Its a little slower than i like right now (2-3 seconds) to get a list of all the available calendars from google but its a good start. I was able to pull 3 different events from 3 different calendars down - so thats awesome. I added a new command Alfred Today-Configure Google Calendars (tcgc). This command will query google to get a calendar list and then you can enable/disable which ever you want. By default all calendars will be disabled i think - so you may need to do this before anything else happens. In theory things "might" work but i'm expecting you'll run into some bug i missed because I wrote this in the middle of the night ... thank you insomnia https://github.com/jeeftor/alfredToday/releases/tag/v3.9.9
  21. This is very helpfu. I didn't change the main code yet so it should still not work for you but I have an idea what is maybe causing issue. What test shows if we pull the correct calendar Id we get events. Currently it's hard coded to pull some default calendar that maybe doesn't exist for everybody. This weekend I'll try to add a feature to better access either the right calendars or give you a list of calendars. I think it's hard coded to something that perhaps doesn't work for everybody the other thing I need to check is time zone issues.
  22. MEs, I just threw together a quick new build: Pre-Release: Updated quick start.py I updated the quickstart.py script (which you have to run from hand) to print out each calendar your are subscribed to and a list of events on that calendar. You need to open a terminal to the workflow directory and type python quickstart.py. Let me know what happens. Some sample output: Hopefully this will answer some of the question as to why you aren't seeing anything. I think the next logical step is to allow for customization of which calendars to load and which to not show - but at least lets see if you have any data we can pull down.
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