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  1. Hi, I've got a simple workflow that I'm trying to get working. When the Alfred itunes mini player is on the screen, I want to use a hot key to pull up a random album. As it is now, the command R works across all applications - I want it to only work when the Alfred itunes mini player is visible I see an option to only use the hotkey with a specific app: however, I do not know the bundle ID of the Alfred itunes mini player, and the tip on the window "Drop apps (e.g. from finder or Alfred's results) does not work for the mini player from Alfred Does anyone know the bundle ID of the mini player, or know how I might achieve what I'm trying to do?
  2. Edit, never mind, I had Argument required in the filter, taking that off worked. I renamed a few things to 'time' and now I see the time as one of the many search results that match 'time' Ideally I'd like it on top, but Alfred seems to prioritize based on most used so the 2nd time I did it, the time was at the top. I'll fool around in the workflow system to see if I can find an option to force a result to the top. Thanks again Vitor!
  3. Thanks Vitor. I tried what I saw in the picture, but no luck. I think my script block is ok. I have "tell application Alfred 3 to search show_time and I see the words "show_time" pop up in Alfred when i hit the assigned keystroke, so that part is working. The next line does a command-shift left arrow, selecting all the text. I don't need that so I removed it. What I'm not understanding is, how do I get the actual time to display, in the screenshots on that post it looks like the person who asked the question got a region to display right under alfred - how is that done? Also in the filter, I see where it /might/ be pulling the time command from the command line, but since I'm not seeing any output, I'm not sure if that's working. Thanks Vitor!
  4. Hi, How can I create a workflow that would display the current time in the alfred search box when I type in the keyword time? I emailed support and they said to come here and ask.... - Jack
  5. Hi, I'm an alfred powerpack user, and today I had a need to write down a few commands I'll need to use. here's one of them: sudo kextunload -b com.intel.kext.intelhaxm I was about to write this down in my documentation I'm keeping but then wondered if Alfred would be a better place for this! I figured if i can put this into a macro then I can just pull up alfred, run the macro and I won't need to look up the exact syntax and spelling of the whole command string. Is this easy to do? Does having sudo in there complicate things (Since some input will be needed from the terminal)? Thanks! - Jack
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