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MVR London

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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Not sure what happened now. It was working fine until recently It launches fine with "2fm" - it finds the code - I selct and press enter - Alfred notification says code was copied. But when I go to paste - it's not there. Whatever was previously copied is pasted Alfred 5.06 2fm ver 1.2.8 MacOS 13.1
  2. I get the same thing - just downloaded the latest version of the workflow. Log shows this - [12:25:23.781] Logging Started... [12:25:31.242] iMessage 2FA[Script Filter] Queuing argument '' [12:25:31.312] iMessage 2FA[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished [12:25:31.314] ERROR: iMessage 2FA[Script Filter] Code 127: /Users/MVR/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Scripts/E2E72D95-AC79-413C-849E-619AD2A47E78: line 1: php: command not found
  3. As in the screenshot. Only does this for all 3rd party apps that I have installed - not for the built in apps
  4. Using Alfred 3.02 MacOS Sierra 10.12 Beta 1 Contacts are not found. Alfred has permission in System Prefs->Security->Privacy->Contacts I've disabled/enabled this but that didn't help
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