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  1. Thank you, this appears to be working now!
  2. Yes, the workflow works properly. It is just the built-in system command that does not.
  3. Steps to replicate: 1. Launch alfred 2. Select "Sleep" 3. Expected: machine sleeps 4. Actual: screen goes black as if to sleep but immediately "unsleeps". This happens consistently every time. Alfred version: 4.6 [1266] MacOS version: 12.0.1 (16" MBP Pro M1 Max) It appears that others on Reddit are having this issue as well. Choosing sleep from the Apple menu works properly, just not when using Alfred.
  4. Thank you so much! I didn't fully grok that even though I was in a workflow, the trigger would be a snippet typed outside of Alfred. It makes perfect sense now.
  5. I'm sure I'm doing something embarrassingly simple wrong: I've merely imported the "Snippet Triggers - Getting Started" workflows, but when I type their prefixes/keywords nothing appears in Alfred. I've ensured I have granted Alfred Accessibility access. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  6. Thanks for the reply! It's unfortunate Chrome has changed this. I poked around the Chrome forums and the Chromium forums but didn't see any mention of this switch. I will have to use open -na "Google Chrome" --args -incognito "example.com" as a workaround.
  7. Has anyone else experienced a change in the behavior of Alfred Custom web searches and Google Chrome? Previously the search would open in a new tab in whichever window of Chrome was last used. In this way if you had an incognito window focused, it would open in it. Now it seems to always choose a non-incognito window. Is this a change in Chrome whereby it's now seen as distinct apps? Is there an easy way to overcome this?
  8. Thanks for the reply! I had figured it wasn't doable without a bit of hackery; I'll tinker around with `Script Filter` a bit. I do think this would be a pretty cool feature for Alfred to add. It could be a sort of "silent" shortcut that when activated listens for the next keystroke and then responds accordingly. If that keystroke doesn't match an instruction in its list of cases, or if a timeout elapses with no keypress, it just noops.
  9. I'd like to have a workflow that uses a compound (two-stroke) shortcut. Example: press Option-Ctrl-A to silently activate the start of my workflow. The next keypress will then trigger an action depending on what it is. The exact usecase is for switching apps where I'd rather not have a separate hotkeys for each app, but instead a single one to activate the mode and then type "T" for Terminal, "V" for Vim, etc. etc.. If no valid second stroke was entered the flow could simply not activate. I know I could do this with the typical command {query} syntax, but Is it possible to do this as a true hotkey shortcut, without popping up the Alfred window, taking text input, and then hitting enter to submit it?
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