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  1. I went to my office network and it decided to work there again so we can close this topic for now. Thank you
  2. I have tried to reconnect my alfred remote via direct and bonjour but both methods do not discover my macbook. Bonjour just says looking for alfred and the app is Waiting for Alfred Remote and direct connection just fails after a while. If it makes a difference, it was connected before and I made the mistake of deleting the computer from the remote app and now trying to add it back again.
  3. Thank you for your response and insight Vero! I agree and will look into finding a solution from your recommendations. I was just accustomed to my process of setting the snippets in a particular order based on a prefix naming system I had setup in Alfred 2 and was accessing the snippets from a Hotkey + key combo to find a snippet that the additional collections entries was throwing me off but I can adapt
  4. Hello, I was just wondering if it was possible to remove the View snippets for 'Collection', or move them to the end of the list of results when viewing from the clipboard history/snippets. Basically, I was hoping to have the snippets listed as they were from Alfred 2 when going from the Clipboard History > All Snippets. I am including a screenshot that I hope makes my question easier to understand.
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