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Everything posted by politicus

  1. Thanks! It is working now. Out of curiosity, where is the Cmd+D set as there are no Cmd+D defined in the script?
  2. I copied and pasted the code of twinpeaks in a "Run NSApplescript" action linked it to a keyword action but it is not working for me. After I fired the keyboard shortcut in my file manager, the file manager is not the active application anymore but Alfred Preferences doesn't show up. I checked it was not a keyboard shortcut problem.
  3. @WangYudong Great workflow but the keyboard shortcut Cmd+D conflicts with "Bookmark this page in" in Google Chrome. How can I change it?
  4. @Vero I already use Alfred's History. It is a great feature and answers my question only partially because - urls are too long almost all the time -> not readable in Alfred results. - urls are not always very descriptive. For example, I can't differentiate http://media4.giphy.com/media/qIl4vxscgGCMo/giphy.gif and http://media4.giphy.com/media/FR3q/giphy.gif in Alfred results. Alfred's History is not the perfect answer to my needs but heading in the right direction @Deanishe Thanks for your answer. Very interesting!
  5. I am using two macs and access my second mac via via Synergy. When in Finder, I am feed up of not being able to use Alfred to move the contents of the folder I am in to its parent folder. I have to select all of the contents, then drag and drop everything to the parent folder... What a waste of time when you could have an action actionnable via a keyboard shortcut that could do it for you in a flesh
  6. I have been creating a lot of workflows that let me access a specific url of a specific website. For example, a workflow that would open the page of the "Alfred V2 suggestions Feature Suggestions". So that, I just have to open Alfred, type the 3 letters of the keyword, hit enter and voila. I use keyboard shortcuts to open the urls I use often/daily (= about 20 urls). With keywords based workflows, I can open urls that I use "now and then" (= about 100 urls). It is really a game changer as it makes it smoother/faster than typing the address bar in the browser. The problem is creating the workflow. Not that it is hard or that much of a time killer. It is just that it could be streamlined. Here is my idea. The goal of the feature is to create a workflow that will be launched via a keyword and will open one url. I would love to have a workflow that when launched would: - take the url of the active window of my browser (Google Chrome), - launch Alfred, - create a blank workflow similar to the "Open URL with a hotkey" (The only difference here is the hotkey trigger would be replaced by a keyword input). - would open the input panel so that I could add my keyword. I would just have to hit enter and boom. Job done! I know I could use the clipboard feature but urls are too often to long to be red. And workflows with keywords are way faster.
  7. While the case seems to be closed, I am posting this in the case I am not the only one to have experienced this. I subscribed to the "Share your workflows section" long time ago. This week, I cleaned my email inbox and there were dozens of email notifications coming from Alfred's forum with Korean characters. These were 1-2 or more months old emails. They looked like a regular notification with a regular subject line ("XXXX posted a new subject bla bla bla") but for every new subject posted I received like 5 emails. The email content was closer to spam than notification. Apparently, either something has been fixed or the spammer found better things to do.
  8. That totally makes sense (started learning shells last week). I had tried man setopt but didn't find any entry. 1°) I tested unsetting the option APPEND_HISTORY via unsetopt APPEND_HISTORY. I tested setting the option LIST_PACKED via setopt LIST_PACKED. I still get Nohashdirs. 2°) I added setopt histignoredups to my .zshrc file and now when I lunched the workflow I get a large type with - Nohashdirs - histignoredups
  9. This is even better than what I requested for ! How awesome is that ? Thank you.
  10. I am looking for a way to repeat a timer every x minutes/hours. The "repeat" keyword lets me repeat a timer but I have to type the keyword every time I want to repeat a timer. Is there a way I could say timer "1H30 work session" repeat 4 times in on time? Thank you.
  11. My .~/zshrc : #Sourcing Autojump [[ -s `brew --prefix`/etc/autojump.sh ]] && . `brew --prefix`/etc/autojump.sh I have no . ~/profile file or .~/zprofile file.
  12. Running setopt (in iterm with zsh) returned : interactive monitor shinstdin zle Running setopt (in iterm with bash) returned : bash: setopt : command not found According to this error message, bash wouldn't be in my path but : bash-3.2$ cd ~/Documents changed the working directory to ~/Downloads. I don't get it.
  13. It shows a large type with "nohashdirs" written.
  14. Yes you are right. I thought "how can I display the image I have in my Dropbox public folder" and wrote "upload"... My mistake. Here is the screenshot:
  15. @deanishe Thanks for your answer! I modified my script and still get a "Nohashdirs".
  16. I am trying to create a workflow that would display the options set in zsh. I attached a 'keyword' action to a 'run script' action. This 'run script action' is tied to a "Large type" action and to a "Copy to the clipboard" action. The script is very basic: #!/bin/zsh setopt When I launch the workflow, it outputs a 'Large type' action with a "Nohashdirs“ message. Another workflow I created is identical in its structure. Only the script varies: #!/bin/zsh unsetopt In this case the 'Large Type' action displays the options that are not set. In other words, it is working.
  17. I have built a couple of workflows that echoes and notifies the version of various programming languages, copies it to the clipboard. A basic "run script" (e.g #!/bin/zsh php -v) triggered by a keyword outputs a query. This query is notified and copied to the clipboard. The problem I have is that every time I launch one of them I hear an alert sound. No error in the console log. The workflow works perfectly well. If I delete the copy to clipboard output no more alert sound. What have I done wrong?
  18. @RodgerWWW The difference is small but important Me too I find Force quit "a bit of a pain" sometimes. Thank you !
  19. @RodgerWWW That's very close to the built-in "Force quit" feature in OS X.
  20. +1 Looks like Alfred is "All or One" on this. If that helps you, you can always create a quit all applications from Alfred's workflows templates (System command from hotkey). HTH.
  21. Oh yes! It would help users learn faster/more workflows. So they would use Alfred even more More seriously, as the number of workflows a user uses grows there is always a point when it becomes difficult/impossible to him to remember all the workflows he has. So, showing the user he didn't use X,Y,Z workflows would be very useful. I am thinking about users with more than 100 workflows. At that point, no matter how you organize your workflows in Alfred, you always tend to forget some of them -> do not use them.
  22. @etling Workflow's download link is dead @barn your workflow works pretty well. Thank you !
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