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Everything posted by cage.chung

  1. v1.7.4 release fix(cmd): unix copy action miss #21 Docs/readme #20 Fix typo in encode command subtext #18
  2. At latest GALLERY version has been updated https://github.com/cage1016/alfred-devtoys/releases/tag/v1.7.3 All of my Alfred workflow are build by Github Action (code generated by https://github.com/cage1016/ak). I will Keep GALLERY .alfredwork ONLY after nominate by Alfred gallery
  3. wrong description has been fixed I will fix my CI/CD deploy strategy to deliver GALLERY version ONLY after nominate by Alfred gallery. I will let you know when i fix it. Thanks
  4. @vitor Let me explain a little bit. Due to gallery version has its own auto update mechanism. Developer MUST turn off auto update feature Devtoys rely on awgo and has auto update feature (check file extension .alfredworkflow) ".alfredwork_" is workaroud to avoid awgo auto update failure CI/CD conduct both version at the same time DevToys_auto_update-1.7.3.alfredworkflow => Enable auto update feature DevToys-1.7.3.alfredworkflow_ => prepare for gallery publish usage (disabled auto update) but need to fix .alfredworkd_ to .alfredwork Please provide best practice for gallery alfredwork deliver
  5. 1.7.3 Release refactor(case): rewrite #15 Download A Swiss Army knife for developers for Alfred. ⤓ Install on the Github | Source
  6. alfred-video2ringtone Alfred workflow to convert video to ringtone. Sometimes you might like to use a song as ringtone, although there are many application can do this, but it's still a little bit complicated. This workflow is aim to simplify the process. Prerequisites Alfred 5 yt-dlp/yt-dlp: A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes version 2023.07.06 FFmpeg/FFmpeg Features Convert Video to m4a ringtone embeded cover art Custom ringtone duration (max 40 seconds), fade in/out duration Universal Action Convert video 2 ringtone to convert video to ringtone Detect video from browser and clipboard Browser: Safari, Google Chrome, Chromium, Opera, Vivaldi, Brave Browser, Microsoft Edge Support Sites support-site.json is depend on yt-dlp/yt-dlp support sites. It's possible to add more sites by yourself. The folloiwing sites are added by default: Youtube Bilibili nicovideo soundcloud Ringtone concept Usage List exist ringtone vl keyword to list exist ringtone ⇧ to preview ⌥+↩ to remove ringtone ^+↩ to re-convert ringtone again ↩ with Action in Alfred Detect video from browser vd keyword to detect video from browser or clipboard ⌥+↩ to launch support-site.json Convert video 2 ringtone & preview HH:MM:SS ex: 00:00:30 HH:MM:SS,duration ex: 00:00:30,2 HH:MM:SS,duration,FadeIn&Out ex: 00:00:30,2,2 HH:MM:SS,duration,FadeIn,FadeOut ex: 00:00:30,3,2,2 URL ⌘+L for above help ⇧ to preview URL page ⌥+↩ to Open URL page Ringtone ⇧ to preview ringtone ⌥+↩ to remove ringtone ↩ with Action in Alfred Cancel Due to workflow leverage yt-dlp and ffmpeg to download video and convert to m4a format ringtone as background process. If you want to cancel the stuck process, just type vc keyword. Change Log 0.1.0-rc.1 Initial release Download The workflow give a easy way to convert Excel sheet to CSV file via Alfred. ⤓ Install on the Github | Source
  7. ⤓ Install v0.1.1 | Source Fix fd, convert commnad not found do not open help page Create default folder if not exist
  8. alfred-mergeimgs Alfred workflow to merge images as horizontal or vertical Prerequisites Alfred 5 sharkdp/fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find' ImageMagick – Convert, Edit, or Compose Digital Images Features Universal Action mg2Horizontal and mg2Vertical to merge images as horizontal or vertical Manage source folders to select images to merge quickly. mga to pick up source folders Custom image extension filter Custom output file name Custom background color Custom offset between images Usage Universal Action Manage source folders mga to pick up source folders mgf Merge image as horizontal in order mgf Merge image as vertical in order ⌥ + ↩ to merge as vertical mgf Custom merge order as horizontal mgf Custom merge order as vertical ⌥ + ↩ to merge as vertical Download The workflow give a easy way to convert Excel sheet to CSV file via Alfred. ⤓ Install on the Github | Source
  9. @vitor Thanks for your help and advice.
  10. Prerequisite Alfred 5 dependaencies : sharkdp/fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find' Features Add / Remove Source folder Transfer and replicate files from Source folder to frontest Finder location Transfer and replicate files from Source folder to Target folder picked from Alfred Usage Add the Source folder through the `sf` keyword, all actions will start from the source folder Manage the Source folder ADD REMOVE exist Source folder Move / Copy Source folder files to frontest Finder location via `scf` keyword - `⌘` to manage Source folder - Choose the Source folder and start to fuzzy search Move / Copy Source folder files to Target folder picked from Alfred via `sgf` keyword `⌘` to manage Source folder Choose the Source folder and start to fuzzy search Both of `scf` & `sgf` keyword support `fd` fuzzy search (Please visit sharkdp/fd to check more detail information). For example, `--changed-within 1w` will only show files changed within 1 week, `-e alfredworkflow` will only show file extensions is `.alfredworkflow` scf `Enter` move result files (1-4) to frontest Finder location `⇧` + `Enter` send recent files (1-4) up to this file to the pasteboard `⌥` + `Enter` copy result files (1-4) to frontest Finder location `⌘` + `Enter` move ONLY this file (4) to to frontest Finder location `⌘` + `⇧` + `Enter` send ONLY this file (4) to the pasteboard `⌘` + `⌥` + `Enter` copy ONLY this file (4) to to frontest Finder location Also support `#1,3-4,7` range selection syntax fulfill specific file(s) start range with `#` means file index `#1,3-4,7` means the first, third, fourth and seventh file sgf `Enter` move result files (1-2) to **Target** folder picked from alfred later `⇧` + `Enter` send recent files (1-2) up to this file to the pasteboard `⌥` + `Enter` copy result files (1-2) to **Target** folder picked from alfred later `⌘` + `Enter` move ONLY this file (2) to to **Target** folder picked from alfred later `⌘` + `⇧` + `Enter` send ONLY this file (2) to the pasteboard `⌘` + `⌥` + `Enter` copy ONLY this file (2) to to **Target** folder picked from alfred later Also support `#1,6` range selection syntax fulfill specific file(s) start range with `#` means file index `#1,6` means the first and sixth file Swiftly transfer and replicate files between origin and destination directories via fuzzy search ⤓ Install on the Github | Source
  11. Usage Search Excel file via xlsx2csv keyword Choose sheet if more than one sheet in Excel file Search File action via csv keyword The workflow give a easy way to convert Excel sheet to CSV file via Alfred. ⤓ Install on the Github | Source
  12. Hi, @vitor https://github.com/cage1016/alfred-devtoys/releases/tag/v1.7.2 v1.7.2 remove all check auto update feature. Please let me know if any else need to revised. Thanks a lot.
  13. Hi, @vitor Got it. Thanks a lot
  14. Hi, xilopaint Thanks for your feedback. Could you give more information about What is workflow definition? As a microservices developer. encode/decode/jwt/string case ects. is daily workload essential tools. That's why i create this workflow. "for workflow developers" sounds like to developer develop workflow? Do i miss understanding?
  15. Release v1.7.1 · cage1016/alfred-devtoys - https://github.com/cage1016/alfred-devtoys/releases/tag/v1.7.1 adapt your advice and other miscellaneous update.
  16. latest release https://github.com/cage1016/alfred-devtoys/releases/tag/v1.7.0 add code sign and notarize support
  17. 1.6.0 Released add default amounts for clipboard auto-detecting for non-numeric formats to UUID and Lorem Ipsum rearrange workflow structure for new features releases
  18. Extract color palette from black golden city image. Github page: https://github.com/cage1016/alfred-theme-black-golden or Alfred Theme Alfred Theme - Black Golden - Light Alfred Theme - Black Golden - Dark
  19. Convert PDF to image with Alfred Why This workflow Inspired by xilopaint/alfred-pdf-tools https://github.com/xilopaint/alfred-pdf-tools and i have convert pdf to image requirement. Feature File Filter keyword: `pdf2img` or File action to pick up PDF file Enter page numbers and/or page ranges. `2` means page 2 `5-8` means page 5 to 8 `-20` means page 1 to 20 `20-` means page 20 to last page `-` means all pages Requires Preferably Alfred 5 Download / Source Code Make sure to download the latest released directly from the releases page. Download here, Source Code https://github.com/cage1016/alfred-pdf2image
  20. A Swiss Army knife for developers for Alfred. I'm the author of this workflow Github page https://github.com/cage1016/alfred-devtoys
  21. I crated a workflow that could convert pdf to jpg by page range. You could have try by https://github.com/cage1016/alfred-pdf2image FYI
  22. 1.0.0 - add export features (Code / CSS / ASE / Image with `RGB` ,`HEX` ,`CMYK` ,`HSL` ,`HSV` ,`HWB` ,`LAB` ,`XYZ` ,`HCG`) - revised copy feature as single / multiple palette Download / Source Code Make sure to download the latest released directly from the releases page. Download here, Source Code https://github.com/cage1016/alfred-paletter
  23. Thanks for reminding. v0.2.1 add File Filter / File Action / Universal Action for better user experience
  24. Extract color from an image Features Dominates the color palette with k-means clustering support image format: `jpg`, `png`, `gif`, `bmp`, `webp` and `tiff` Local file / base64 image data URI / `http` and `https` image source URL Export palette Code CSS ASE file Image file: Support `RGB` ,`HEX` ,`CMYK` ,`HSL` ,`HSV` ,`HWB` ,`LAB` ,`XYZ` ,`HCG` Copy palette (`⌥ + Enter` Single / `^ + Enter` Multiple) to clipboard `RGB` ,`HEX` ,`CMYK` ,`HSL` ,`HSV` ,`HWB` ,`LAB` ,`XYZ` ,`HCG` Multiple palette mode copy color separated by (`⌥ + Enter`) Requires Preferably Alfred 5 Configuration Number of colors to extract Usage - File Filter / File Action - Hokey - Universal Action with Base64 Image Data URI and image URL Copy Single Color Copy Multiple Colors Export Image Sample: Hex ASE sample Decode result Download / Source Code Make sure to download the latest released directly from the releases page. Download here, Source Code https://github.com/cage1016/alfred-paletter
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