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Posts posted by jmb275

  1. Hi deanishe-

    I've spent some time on this problem. Not sure what piece I'm missing. I have a bash script and I would like to emit a couple of variables. I thought I was doing what you said here but I can't get it to work. Here is my script.

    if [[ ${filename} == "" ]]; then
    echo ${fullpath} >&2
    #touch ${fullpath}
    #open ${fullpath}
    printf '{"alfredworkflow": {"arg": "%s", "variables": {"fullpath": "%s"}, {"filename": "%s"}}}' "$fullpath" "$fullpath" "$filename"

    Then I have this connected to a Large Type output and am trying to print {var:fullpath} but it's just blank every time. When I print {query} it shows the whole JSON fine, but as you said, it appears Alfred is not parsing the JSON object. I don't know why. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.

  2. Sorry for the late reply here. I didn't realize you had responded. Anyway, the only example that works is actually adding a task. I can type 'r some text' and it will add 'some text' as a reminder. Nothing else works. I always get a "Reminder command not recognized or no matching reminders found".


    radd, rshow don't work either. Not sure why. I did get rtest to run and here is the output:


    Test results:
    OS version: 10.11.6 (0 seconds)
    Current date: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 16:54:48 (0 seconds)
    Initialize workflow path: /my/scrubbed/path/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.78F5A48A-961B-4C9A-930C-2FE726A7D9C1 (0 seconds)
    Initialize alfred-library: OK (0 seconds)
    Initialize update-library: OK (0 seconds)
    Initialize wf-library: OK (0 seconds)
    Initialize plist-library: OK (0 seconds)
    Reminders.app state: Running (0 seconds)
    Fetch reminder count: 6 (8 seconds)
    Fetch reminder info: OK (7 seconds)
    Fetch reminder list count: 6 (0 seconds)
    Fetch reminder list info: OK (0 seconds)
    Run cache process: SKIPPED (0 seconds)
    Fetch cache timestamp: SKIPPED (0 seconds)
    Fetch cached reminder count: SKIPPED (0 seconds)
    Test basic query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test today query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n minutes query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n hours query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n days query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n days y hours query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in n hours y minutes query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test at time query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test tomorrow at time query: OK (0 seconds)
    Test in x list query: OK (0 seconds)
    Subtitle generation: OK (0 seconds)
    Test basic reminder filtering: OK (0 seconds)
    Test remind today reminder filtering: OK (0 seconds)
    Test due tomorrow reminder filtering: OK (0 seconds)
    Test reminder list filtering: OK (0 seconds)
    Test version-check response: OK (0 seconds)
    Current unix time: 1.472680503E+9 (0 seconds)
    Simple JSON: OK (0 seconds)
    Test execution time: 15 seconds
  3. Hi Jack-

    I can't seem to make this work. I'm rather new to Alfred. Running Alfred 3. Everytime I try to run this it says "Reminder command not recognized or no matching reminders found". When I try to add one, the notification pops up indicating it added a new reminder, but it doesn't show up in my reminders app. Not sure what's going on. Any ideas?

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