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Everything posted by clearphase

  1. Thanks to both of you! With your help I got it working. I better bone up on bash some more… Here’s the final Script Filter in case others looking for the same thing happen upon this thread: time=$(date "+%I:%M %p") date=$(date "+%A, %B %d, %Y") cat << EOB {"items": [ { "uid": "time", "title": "${time}", "subtitle": "${date}" } ]} EOB
  2. I’m trying to create a workflow that will display the current time when I type "time" into Alfred. I can’t figure out how to use a bash variable within the JSON object in the heredoc. This is what I have but the item doesn’t show. If I add other fields the one with the variable remains empty. time = date "+%H:%M %p" cat << EOB {"items": [ { "title": $time } ]} EOB I’ve also tried "$time" and '$time' but nothing works. I feel like I’m missing something basic.
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