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Everything posted by Digitalbird

  1. Openhab Alfred Workflow Workflow to control Openhab from Alfred. As this is my first workflow and first Github project, feel free to contribute or share your ideas Download Openhab-1.0.0.alfredworkflow or get the source code on Github Configuration The workflow initializes itself if no Workflow Environment Variables were set inside the workflow settings in Alfred before the first execution. (See Using Variables in Workflows for more details) The following variables have to be set according to the Openhab installation: OH_HOST = IP Address of Openhab OH_PORT = Port on which Openhab is running OH_USER = User for Openhab (Empty if no Password) OH_PASSWORD = Password for Openhab (Empty if no Password) Own Switches can also be added through the Alfred settings. The Name of the variable in the Alfred settings will be the Label which is later shown in the alfred dialog and the Value has to match to an itemname which has to be present in your Openhab sitemap. A sample Configuration will be provided when no own items are configured and the workflow is executed. TODO's Parsing of the sitemap for all available switch items Support for other Items (e.g. Dimmer, ColorPicker, ...) Language support (e.g. German, English, etc.) Licencing & thanks This workflow is released under the MIT Licence. It uses the following libraries and resources: Alfred-Workflow (MIT Licence) by deanishe for the workflow stuff. Alfred Workflow Builder (MIT Licence) by deanishe. Build Alfred Workflows into .alfredworkflow (zip) files Requests (Apache License, Version 2.0) for the REST-API Openhab REST-API Examples from Openhab Wiki The icon from Openhab (Eclipse Public License - v 1.0)
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