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Everything posted by paulminors

  1. @Mr Pennyworth, that works now! Thanks a lot for your help and for making a great workflow
  2. @Mr Pennyworth Thanks for the response. I'm using Big Sur.
  3. Great workflow, thanks for sharing. When I tested it out, I'm able to start new recordings etc. However, when I try to annotate or pin an image, I choose the image within Alfred but nothing happens: https://cloud.paulm.in/jfjj4E
  4. It looks like this is exactly what I need. However, I see this thread is a few years old and a lot of users had issues getting it to work. Is the workflow up to date and are there some instructions I can follow to get this working?
  5. I understand in Alfred 4 you're supposed to be able to type an app name like "pages" and then hit the right arrow to see the action list. The same with files, you should see actions to email, copy etc. However, I can't seem to get this to work and I've tried toggling the setting in preferences.
  6. Ah sorry, just one more thing on this. I notice that with an Alfred Query that has spaces, the notification comes through encoded. Do you know how I would avoid this?
  7. Thanks for that, it's working perfectly now. Weird though - when I put in {query} before, it wasn't working. I must have done something wrong. Thanks again!
  8. To confirm, your tests came through to my account so they all worked fine. Thanks, that seems to be working better. However, in the notification to show, I'd like the Alfred query to show. So the notification should be: Task Created! deans-test
  9. Ah sorry. Here you go, here is a link to download my workflow: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i8dlbj975m95sgo/Create Asana task.alfredworkflow?dl=0 I'm on the latest version MacOS/Alfred.
  10. Thanks for the response. This is my own workflow. Does this screenshot help? I'm triggering Zapier to create the Asana task.
  11. Hi everyone. I have a workflow that I use to create tasks in Asana using Alfred. I have a notification that I'd like to show the task (Query) when it's done. It used to work, but now the notification shows as this: Here's the setting: Thanks in advance for any advice :)
  12. Hi, I tried this workflow and couldn't get it to work on MacOS Mojave. Any ideas?
  13. Thanks for the response. However, I can't seem to get it to work. I downloaded the workflow, do I add this script to that workflow, or in a separate one? Here's my script but not sure what I'm doing wrong (I'm not great with Apple Script). on alfred_script(q) tell application "System Events" tell appearance preferences set dark mode to not dark mode end tell end tell tell application "Alfred 3" to set theme "Alfred macOS Dark" end tell end alfred_script
  14. Hi, I have a simple workflow I’m to toggle the new Mac OS Mojave Dark Mode on and off. Create a new workflow with a keyword trigger e.g. “dark”. Set up an action to run an Apple Script: tell application “System Events” tell appearance preferences set dark mode to not dark mode end tell end tell end alfred_script However, what I’d like to do is customise the script to also toggle Aldred's appearance from "Alfred macOS" to "Alfred macOs Dark" if dark mode is enabled and then switch back to "Alfred macOS" when disabled. And if anyone knows how I'd love to customise the script to toggle from the dynamic Mojave desktop to the dark version as well. Any ideas on how I could do this?
  15. Thanks Vero, that's great! Is there a way to customise this so I could type my search e.g. "emfrom paul" and then hit enter to open Mail.app and go to the search results i.e. search bar is pre-filled with the query?
  16. Hi, I tried to download this workflow, but the link doesn't work. Are you still able to share it? Thanks in advance!
  17. Both of these options are really great! Thanks so much for this. Can you comment on how to modify each of these to round to 2 decimal points?
  18. Hi, I have a calculation I have to make a lot. {query}+({query}/0.971) How would I set this up in a workflow (so I can make calculations quicker than the normal calculator)? Thanks in advance!
  19. I'm trying to create a workflow where I type "task {query}" which then sends an email via AppleScript to x@mail.asana.com which would add a new task to my account. I'm struggling with the AppleScript. All I need to do is set the recipient to x@mail.asana.com and subject to {query}. Please help. Here's my code: on run {input, parameters} set recipientName to "Asana" set recipientAddress to "X@mail.asana.com" set theSubject to "{query}" set theContent to "" tell application "Mail" set theContent to theContent & (content of msg) set theSubject to theSubject & (subject of msg) set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theContent, visible:true} tell theMessage make new to recipient with properties {name:recipientName, address:recipientAddress} -- send end tell end if end tell return input end run
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