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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Adding a checkbox for folders in the search scope list would enable temporary inclusions in / exclusions from the list, for example excluding ~/Library/Caches/Metadata most of the time and then checking it when an item can't be found normally. I mention this mainly because I'm worried I'll forget what was in there originally and won't want to reset the list entirely because I'd lose my custom additions to it. Being able to keep the standard list in and just disable some of them instead of removing them entirely would avoid this. (as an extension - automating changes to the list based on external factors, like workflow results or Focus settings would be cool)
  2. That's *very* close to what I mean, but has a couple of differences: Requiring a keyword rather than having the menu options as default results Results are limited by what is available in the menu bar. Some applications provide options that aren't visible in the menu bar (e.g. Build With... in Sublime Text). An API for client programs to surface first-class results would provide a more integrated and flexible experience.
  3. I'd like the ability for external applications to add commands to Alfred. Many applications (e.g. Sublime Text / Atom) provide command-pallete like functionality that is very similar to Alfred, and the I keep finding myself reaching for one when I actually need the other - reaching for Alfred when trying to go to a file in Sublime Text for example. If ST were to register it's menu hierarchy with Alfred somehow, Alfred could keep track of the currently-focused application and surface it's menu bar or other options preferentially, providing an interface that would feel more deeply integrated with the whole OS.
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