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  1. Notifications were turned off, that was a problem. It's solved now.
  2. Here's the link to my own workflow: https://bit.ly/3sH84bD It doesn't matter, it's my own workflow or any other, but Post notification windows doesn't work. In case of my Caffeinate workflow, when you type "caff on", there will be just a sound, but previously, when it worked, it was showing a small window at the top right location of my screen. MacOS 11.1 Alfred 4.3, build 1205.
  3. @Tilman, any updates on this?
  4. Waiting for updates from you. It's not super annoying, but definitely it doesn't look good.
  5. It has a gray border around input now, guess it's a bug? I'm using Alfred 4 with default theme called "Alfred"
  6. I have the same issue, clean Mojave 10.14.3, default alfred, when i'm typing "Simulator" it suggests me to google it instead. Also using spotlight i type "Simulator" nothing is found. Just did full re-index, still cannot see it. WTF...
  7. @Andrew are you there, mate? Can you check Notes, please.
  8. Just updated alfred today. Autofilling now is working for me in Chrome, when 1p is unlocked. Also, i've noticed that i can't open my secure notes / credit cards using alfred now. If i type "1p My Visa" it just brings 1password main window... It's just work with Logins, but not with Credit Cards / Notes.
  9. Still no news from them? Almost half of the month passed What a slackers.
  10. Any news, guys? They've release 7.0.3 now and went to Apple conference, they still didn't fix it?
  11. I confirm, 3.6.2. (915) pre-release and 1password 7.0.1 not working in Chrome correctly. If i open my login item through Alfred it just opens url and doesn't fill and submit, if i open login item through 1password mini itself, then and it's autofills and submits as expected.
  12. Could you advice a workflow that would check if app is running - then open running instance, if it's not running - then simply launch Axure.app. Found this workflow: http://tedwise.com/2013/03/04/alfred-2-workflows/ (called «Running apps») it's working, but can i adopt it just to axure? Like i type "axr" it opens running instance of Axure. Thank you in advance.
  13. Hi, i'm using High Sierra with Axure 8.0. Recently i've experienced issue with launching axure from Alfred. Steps to reproduce: 1) Open Alfred, type "Axure" - it will launch Axure.app, ok; 2) Then open Alfred and type "Axure" again - it will launch another instance of Axure... It should already opened instance of Axure. How can i do that?
  14. Doesn't work with bitcoin. "currency 1 btc to usd" doesn't work. Could you add support for cryptocurrencies from coinmarketcap.com?
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