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Posts posted by snsokstan

  1. 14 hours ago, vitor said:


    What are your exact steps to run the keyword? What does the debugger say?



    Those are just overlayed on the existing connections, they aren’t doing anything. You have to connect to and from them. I recommend you see the Getting Started Guide for an interactive tutorial on making a workflow.



    Please be more specific. There are multiple workflows in Getting Started.


    What are your exact steps to run the keyword? What does the debugger say?

    type out  zzz and press Enter.  I have several workflows triggered by keywords and that's what's worked before


    Those are just overlayed on the existing connections

    When I hover over the delay step, it looks connected. Screenshot attached.  I can post the actual .workflow file to a share drive if that's helpful.


    There are multiple workflows in Getting Started

    Screenshot attached



    Screen Shot 2023-09-18 at 09.16.28.png

    Screen Shot 2023-09-18 at 09.19.38.png

    Screen Shot 2023-09-18 at 09.20.44.png

  2. 54 minutes ago, vitor said:


    What you’re doing is called GUI automation. Your problem is likely that the actions are happening too fast, before Gmail’s interface has had time to react. Add some Delay Utilities between the actions.



    That’s not a filter circle, it’s just describing the connection. Double-click it to see additional options, but that’s not relevant to your workflow.


    So I just tried the workflow on  a text editing program (TextEdit) and it turns out the keyword "zzz" isn't activating anything. I added 3 1-second delays and still nothing is happening. 


    The problem is more global. None of my other keyword workflows are working, including the one delivered called "gettingstarted".  I've rebooted, checked that all the workflows are enabled (right-click) and Alfred has full disc access in System Preferences. I saw this article but this shouldn't apply to a keyword workflow that I just created.I also did the Rebuild MacOS metadata in Alfred preferences. The settings for input monitoring in system preferences is also enabled for Alfred.


    My snippets are working and option-spacebar still brings up the Alfred input box.

    Screen Shot 2023-09-17 at 17.15.24.png

  3. I've been working on this for hours with no success. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Maybe it's something to do with Gmail.  Workflow attached. I have no idea why there's a "filter" circle on the connector between the keyword and the "f" key combo


    MacOS Ventura, MacBook, Alfred 5 Pro, Google Workspace --> gmail


    When I have a gmail message open, with a hotkey, I want to forward a message to a specific email address (one of my email storages) and move the cursor to the end of the subject line so I can append to the subject.


    I want to use the hotkey  "zzz"


    Here's the workflow:


    1. send an "f" to set up the forwarding box in Gmail
    2. type out an email string   "xxx@yyy.com"  (i set this up as a copy to clipboard and then paste)
    3. send shift-tab three times to move to the twisty next to the "from email address" that is the "type of response"
    4. send down arrow three to get to the "edit subject" on the drop down
    5. Send "enter"
    6. send "cmd-right arrow" to move to the end of the subject line
    7. send "space" and then "@" so as to append  "@" to the subject line
    8. Then end the workflow

    Screen Shot 2023-09-17 at 15.38.35.png

  4. Alfred user for a long time here but a workflow newbie


    I need a workflow that

    • is triggered with "src"
    • sends the text "SS Reviewed" with short-form date
    • delays 3 seconds
    • sends to key combo CMD+W 


    In the palette search, I don't see the item that just sends a series of keystrokes. Seems like it should be simple. ChatGPT didn't get it right, either

  5. Just upgrade to Alfred5


    I have a workflow that automatically forwards an email to a specific recipient.  I have everything working OK except when the workflow stops on the "To:" line in the email window.

    Is it possible to insert an object that sends a string of characters, like a whole email address?


    Also, I have that email address as a Alfred snippet.  I tried inserting that in the workflow but AFAIK,  the Keyword object doesn't seem to accept an input from an earlier  object.


    This seems awfully simple. I need to insert that email string as the third object in this attached workflow (that is, after the seco nd object in this screenshot). 


  6. I am not successful in setting up a Workflow to do this:


    From an open Gmail, I want to send this series of keystrokes to avoid a bunch of clicks needed to get access to the "subject line" in the forwarded email pane.


    I want to send these:

    • F
    • shift+tab x 3
    • down arrow x 3
    • Enter


    I designed this workflow (snip attached) to send those keystrokes when I double tap the left shift key.  But it doesn't work right. Maybe it sends the keystrokes too quickly.





    Screen Shot 2019-12-13 at 15.21.46.jpg

  7. Using Alfred 4 + Powerpack...


    I want to migrate from another text expander and keep everything in Alfred.


    Is there a way to require a delimiter  such as a space, period, question mark, etc. in order to autoexpand a snippet? Other text expanders do that.


    Is there a way to create a shortcut to open the Snippets window directly without having to access Alfred Preferences and then select "Snippets" from the sidebar? I would like a fast way to make a selection into a snippet.



  8. I've been using Alfred Powerpack for months now and enjoy the snippet functionality. But I have not figured out exactly what the use case is for the "snippet keyword" as circled in the attached screenshot.  What exactly does that do?


    I don't see an explanation in the documentation.



    Screen Shot 2017-02-07 at 6.13.03 PM.jpg

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