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matsahm's Achievements

Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. Sorry, here: { "ResultSet": { "Results": { "00": "10", "ATTRIBUTES": { "IODev": "CUL433", "group": "Beleuchtung", "room": "Wohnzimmer", "sortby": "01", "yaf_1": "id=3,fhemname=Lampe,y_pos=223,x_pos=546,name=iteasylamp," }, "CFGFN": "/opt/fhem/FHEM/Wohnzimmer.cfg", "CODE": { "1": "000fffff01" }, "DEF": "000FFFFF01 01 10", "IODev": "CUL433", "NAME": "Lampe", "NR": "62", "READINGS": { "protocol": { "TIME": "2015-03-27 19:11:45", "VAL": "V1" }, "state": { "TIME": "2015-10-13 07:30:00", "VAL": "off" } }, "STATE": "off", "TYPE": "IT", "XMIT": "000fffff01", "XMITdimdown": "00", "XMITdimup": "00", "XMITon": "01" } } }
  2. Here is my workflow (see the attachments). This works good. But I have to maintain the list of devices by hand. I can get all the data in JSON format from fhem. Can i use this, to generate the list-element automatically? I hope, you know what i mean...
  3. Hello, i have an idea. But I'm not smart enough to do this. Can someone help? I control my lamps with fhem. Can I now control fhem with Alfred? I can do it now with keywords and a bash-script: curl -k https://username:password@fhem:8083/fhem?XHR=1&cmd=set%20lamp%20toggle But i have to do this for every lamp. Can not read all devices from fhem? I can download a JSON-File with all lamps with this url: https://username:password@fhem:8083/fhem?cmd=jsonlist2 TYPE=FS20&XHR=1 How can I automate this now?
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