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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. You'll find this in Alfred's Advanced preferences now, with the added benefit of being able to press the up arrow to get to previous history items
  2. If you open Console.app, are there any errors showing when you try to do this? It may be something like missing or corrupt shell configuration.
  3. Alfred simply loads the list of unencrypted site names from your 1Password keychain (as used by both 1Password and 1Password's browser plugin). This information is there to allow for integrations such as Alfred's. Alfred doesn't have access to any other data, passwords, or even go anywhere near the encrypted parts of 1Password. He simply crafts 1Password 1 Click Bookmark links and passes them off to the browser when you launch them, the 1Password browser plugin takes it from there (with 1Password asking for your password if necessary). Hope that clears things up Cheers, Andrew
  4. The first thing I'd try is reindexing your OS X metadata - I've added a shortcut for this in Alfred's advanced prefs
  5. Alfred just asks OS X to open or reveal a file or folder using a Cocoa API, so this isn't something which can be done in Alfred to fix this, and likely behaviour which will be experienced with apps other than Alfred when using TotalFinder too.
  6. Have you enabled the "Sort actions by last used per file type" option in Alfred's Features > File Search > Actions prefs?
  7. If you have syncing setup, there could be an issue outside of Alfred's control (e.g. sync clash). If so, could you try setting your sync folder to a local folder e.g. Documents.
  8. It may very well be parallels which only accepts raw (human) keyboard interaction and not simulated modifier changes which Alfred uses. The best option may just to be to use cmd+c in Alfred's clipboard viewer and then manually paste into the Parallels app.
  9. You need to pre-encode the | character and anything outside of the {query}, so if you use %7C instead of |, this will work fine.
  10. They will still be in Alfred's cache - type 'reload' into Alfred and then they should be gone
  11. Could you please fill in your Powerpack details in your forum profile before asking Powerpack related questions. These details are only visible to me and Vero. Cheers, Andrew
  12. Would you mind filling in your v2 Powerpack license address in your forum profile then I can help you out
  13. The cmd+o thing may be broken by cobook - take a look at the last reply in this thread: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1162-cant-open-contacts-with-cobbok-default-contacts-app/ To check if it's a profile / possible cobook issue, could you please create a new user account on your Mac without cobook, switch to that user and add a user there to see what Alfred sees. Then edit a user to see if that user is updated as expected. This is the behaviour I currently see.
  14. Alfred doesn't cache contact data, he queries the OS X Address Book API directly so any updates should be reflected immediately. Are you looking for contacts just in Alfred's default results or with a workflow?
  15. It might be better to report this bug to iunarchive as you are likely getting other things being corrupted but not seeing so obviously.
  16. This is mutually exclusive with usage based ranking where the default 'importance' and ranking of files is provided by OS X. For some reason, on your Mac, OS X decided that this wasn't an important folder or not used (you can verify this by looking at the mdls for that file in Terminal). As soon as Alfred has learnt and has knowledge itself, he can provide significantly more accurate ranking himself. A reindex of your OS X metadata may fix this default ordering issue, but outside of this, it won't be an Alfred bug as it's just OS X not returning the folder to Alfred by default. Cheers, Andrew
  17. Hi Jim, Alfred won't have deleted the workflows, so unless you have an auto-cleaning app which thought Alfred was being uninstalled during the upgrade, they should be safe and sound. Firstly, make sure your Powerpack is still active in Alfred's Powerpack tab, then if you have setup syncing, check that the sync folder is still set to the correct location in Alfred's Syncing prefs. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  18. Could you provide an example workflow I can look into - I'll also get 10.6 fired up to try this on just in case it's a Snow Leopard issue Cheers, Andrew
  19. I have had a couple of previous users who have experienced this and it has turned out to be a bug in a 3rd party unzipping tool which wasn't resolving symlinks in unzipping an application... essentially corrupting Alfred. If you are using a 3rd party tool (or even if not), re-download Alfred from http://alfredapp.com and unzip using OS X's default archive utility instead then things should work great Let me know how you get on! Cheers, Andrew
  20. Alfred uses NSTask, not Terminal, for running scripts and the UTF-8 normalisation is happening outside of Alfred's hands. If you look at _mk_'s links, I have created a workaround for this issue with a small command line app to renormalise UTF-8. I've moved this to 'investigating', but there isn't much Alfred can do for now without overhauling some low level build in Cocoa framework.
  21. Could you please open Console.app and see what error is being logged when you see the double characters. You may need to expand the little triangle to get the full information for the single error. Cheers
  22. I'm seeing the correct behaviour here. All Alfred is doing is calling a URL scheme which opens Contacts app. There is a chance that cobook has affected this URL scheme even if it's closed. In actual fact, cobook replied saying they don't know why similar is happening and they are looking into it, mentioned in this thread: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1162-cant-open-contacts-with-cobbok-default-contacts-app/ If you create a new user account on your Mac, switch to that user and try it there, this should work as expected.
  23. Simply add the cellar folder to Alfred's scope and Alfred will [recursively] find the original apps. [i'm moving this to the help/discussion forum to help others] Nice bug report btw, I wish all of them were this clear!
  24. I think Apple sounds right and if this happens again, you may need to contact them as it's outside of Alfred's control.
  25. Could you firstly restart your Mac, then disable any workflows you have installed and also disable the eject commands. Is the hanging still happening? If so, rebuild your OS X metadata from the shortcut in Alfred's Advanced prefs. Let me know how you get on
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