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Everything posted by aheidelberg

  1. @loudestnoise Download only the main.swift file from my GitHub. Then compile it to an executable on your Mac either with Xocde or in Terminal.app by running swiftc main.swift -o alfred-chrome-fixed or whatever output name you want. I'm not sure if you need to install Xcode for that. Then right click on Alfred Chrome in the Alfred Workflows Tab to open the workflow directory in Finder. Copy the compiled executable there and change the script Alfred Chrome is using by right-clicking the "cr" and / or "chrome" Script Filter, then Configure Object and then changing the Script File to your new file. That's what I did, hope it helps.
  2. I also get the same error. Google Chrome cannot be found. Nothing to do! :( After changing the application name to "Google Chrome Canary" it worked though, just not with the normal version.
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