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  1. Please use extensions release page for the most recent workflow.
  2. Awesome! Thank you @vitalyb @GuiB for updates!
  3. @passtaiker Testing in Sierra. Can you please try to open http://localhost:15055/?q=123 in your browser ? Also, disable/enable integration option if possible. Some system logs might be helpful also!
  4. @boddicker @passtaiker Can you please check Numi preferences for "Enable Alfred integration" option ? Should be enabled there.
  5. Numi was updated to be more explicit about Alfred integration (checkbox in preferences). The only thing that might block workflow is firewall (which should accept incoming requests though). In any case, will be great to see any system logs associated with Numi if it's not working! And please, ensure you are using "development" version of app: http://numi.io/static/dev/Numi.zip. Released version through SetApp/Site is not provide any Alfred integration ATM.
  6. Hey everyone! Numi is calculator that allows to describe tasks the natural way and instantly get an accurate answer. For example, $20 in euro - 5% discount or today + 2 weeks. To use workflow make sure Numi installed and running. Prefix your calculations with 'n': 'n (20% of 45)/12', 'n $20 in Euro' or 'n time in Tokyo'. Testing Alfred support ATM, so, it only available in development version (download at http://numi.io/static/dev/Numi.zip) Numi workflow: http://www.packal.org/workflow/numi Will appreciate for feedback!
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