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Everything posted by leefur

  1. I'm curious where you get the data to back up that we are a "small handful" as opposed to the "vast majority". Most users wouldn't put the work in that is required to find this forum. I'd argue that most users won't find David's script (which still only covers a small portion of the settings) either. This marginalizing language isn't helpful. You have tons of credits with us, so you're still very much in the black I'd imagine. But you must see that this was a debit, and that every single user that has made any settings changes at all has been adversely effected. To Bill's points above, some clear messaging about the required rework (and some ideas on workarounds) built into the upgrade process likely would have been enough to make your customers feel well-treated, and it wouldn't have been two months of work. Your small team is amazing nonetheless, and fwiw I'm not angry or whatever. I'm a maker like you, and I chalk this up to growing pains. I hope I'm a productive, helpful piece of the process for you. Afterall, I'm a megasupporter… I want Alfred to be awesome forever.
  2. leefur

    The Minimalist

    Updated again. Added the border at full white to give the whole thing a nice padding.
  3. leefur

    The Minimalist

    My supporting visual settings:
  4. I hear – and appreciate – what you're saying about the extensions being pretty easy to re-create using workflows. But just to be clear, Extensions only cover a small percentage of what I would have to transfer – I never used them very much. I'm thinking more about the Features screen, as well as General, Appearance, and Advanced. I get that they might be totally different under the covers, but to we end-users the bulk of the contents of these screens is the same (though perhaps re-structured). Again, thanks so much for listening and everything!
  5. Also, I have Alfred running on two computers… since all the setup is manual, this really is going to be quite a process.
  6. Oh, and running both apps side-by-side is a total non-solution. Using duplicate productivity apps which have 95% functionality overlap is paradoxical.
  7. Hey guys – Thanks for the thoughtful replies. I see how this would be more complex than I could imagine, being a designer (and not a developer) with no familiarity with the guts of the thing. I wouldn't press for a full Alfred setup migration. But it does seem like a fair amount of non-advanced-user setup migration could have happened, as a lot of the basic options were moved around in the re-organized Preferences. They still exist, they're just somewhere else. It feels like with 20% of the effort you might've been able to get 80% of the benefit (given that the people you talk to most are the most advanced of Alfred users, who have more that would be difficult to migrate, I wonder if these percentages feel more different than they would truly be). Anyway, yall are delightful and I will continue to preach the gospel of Alfred.
  8. leefur

    The Minimalist

    How does one change the rounding radius for the corners? I saw other themes had done that…
  9. I'm with the OP on this. While there are certainly plenty of unmappable pieces, there remain a ton of equivalent checkboxes and such, and Alfred's preferences are deep and wide indeed. This is exactly the sort of work that computers are good at, and it is surprising to see this not handled elegantly in Alfred. This might be the first time I've been surprised in a bad way by Alfred. That's an awfully good track record.
  10. Big update, cleaning out all the old stuff! Lots of wonderful minimal themes on here, but I think this is the minimalist. Minimalist details: We only show the path for the selected item (which is basically how you read these details anyway) That also makes it easy to see which item is selected so we don't need a highlight! Keyboard shortcuts for matches (e.g. "⌘4") are harder to use than just up/down+enter, so I hid those Uses the light weight of the system font (San Francisco) for that native, readable feel Looks best with a medium amount of blur Available in a wide array of colors Downloads listed below, preview images beneath (I'm not sure how to show images inline any more…): Almost white: http://cozy.es/PRYr Almost black: http://cozy.es/eBRP Almost alizarin: http://cozy.es/WjeE Almost asbestos: http://cozy.es/4Jul Almost carrot: http://cozy.es/NyKn Almost clouds: http://cozy.es/QyXj Almost emerald: http://cozy.es/AxKm Almost midnight: http://cozy.es/qnEA Credit to flatuicolors.com for the colors. Best with these appearance settings. Enjoy, and let me know how these work for you. Thanks!
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