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Everything posted by idea4IT

  1. Yes, that's correct! Sorry about that. And thanks, hickedi. I've fixed it!
  2. Now I got it! Parallels doesn't close automatically if no machines are running anymore, but VirtualBox does. So, this was just normal behavior. Anyway, I've found a way to achieve this and updated the workflow once more!
  3. I just updated the workflow once again and improved the browser support. I've also removed the 'fn' action, because a hotkey makes more sense anyway. Thanks to moaa for the idea! Cheers, Fabio
  4. gr4z, can you explain this a bit more? If the VM is running, Parallels is running. When do you close it? Maybe provide a screencast? I have changed the AppleScript in the last version, so it only activates Parallels when the command was either "start" or "resume"... Cheers, Fabio *EDIT*: I've just updated the workflow, could you try again please?
  5. Thanks for the feedback, gr4z! I've updated the workflow accordingly. Let me know if you have any other suggestions!
  6. Thanks, katie. Unfortunately, everything looks fine to me. I assume this was not everything that was printed in the debug window? The first three items contain a resolved_title and I guess, so does the forth one. Can you PM me the full debug log? At least we can rule out that there is an authentication issue! Nevertheless, I've updated the workflow, so it should work now even if no 'resolved_title' is present. Please do the debug log once more with the old workflow but you might give the new workflow a go once you have everything I need *EDIT*: I was able to figure out why it didn't work for katie. The latest version should work just fine!
  7. That's weird. There seems to be something wrong with Pocket's response. I've prepared another workflow version that is more verbose: https://github.com/fniephaus/alfred-pocket/raw/debug/Pocket-for-Alfred.alfredworkflow Can you use this to generate another debug log? This time there should be a lot more to copy. And feel free to replace things you don't want anyone else to see with whatever you like Thanks!
  8. Hey Katie, my Pocket app is "waiting for App Directory approval" which is probably why you get to see a blank page. Nevertheless, the workflow should authenticate itself right after you have visited the authentication link. Can you try again, please? The debug log looks just fine!
  9. That's right and I agree with you and Vítor. But if someone really starts trying to distribute malicious code, there might be no other option than warning users. Since Alfred executes scripts, attackers might not be able to run commands as root but they can easily delete user files and folder or load more stuff from the web. Let's hope this is not happening anytime soon...
  10. Glad it now works for you! You're welcome!
  11. Hey Weaselboy, thanks for the debug info. That helped a lot! I've updated the workflow and improved the authentication process. Could you give it another try? And could you open your keychain and check if there is an entry 'com.fniephaus.pocket'. Thanks!
  12. Fair enough. Maybe we need something like an approval/voting system, so that people can confirm that a certain workflow is not a security risk. But yeah, I understand what you mean. Anyway, I found a way to work around the initial issue. Anything else is up to Andrew, I guess. Thanks!
  13. That is something I still need to figure out. The links should be ordered by date but Alfred seems to mix them up, even though I haven't set a uid. *EDIT*: okay, it wasn't Alfred but the API wrapper. Should be fixed now!
  14. Haha you're welcome! I've updated the workflow once more. It now is possible to save links from Chrome, Safari or clipboard to Pocket by pressing 'fn'. Hope this is working for everyone!
  15. Thanks, CarlosNZ! It does make sense to open the link by default without archiving it. I've just updated the workflow accordingly and also added notifications!
  16. Hey Katie, thanks for the bug report. And no, the application doesn't need to be installed. Would you be so kind and open up the workflow's debug window (click on the little bug icon) in order to get more details about the problem? It'd be great if you could send me the error log. Thanks, Fabio *EDIT*: I've just updated the workflow. Could you try out the new version? Thanks!
  17. Hi guys, this workflow lets you manage your Pocket list with Alfred. Features Actions to copy, visit and archive, archive and delete links from your Pocket list (fn, ctrl, alt and cmd) Hotkey to add new links from Chrome, Safari or your clipboard (ctrl + L) Action to deauthorize the workflow (shift) Background cache refresh Supports notifications Uses OAuth 2.0 to authorize the workflow Saves your access_token securely in OS X's keychain Github: https://github.com/fniephaus/alfred-pocket Download: https://github.com/fniephaus/alfred-pocket/releases/latest/ Feel free to give some feedback! Cheers, Fabio
  18. Sounds reasonable, even though I must say that security-wise, third party workflows will always be a problem.
  19. Thanks guys, that's what I thought. In order to let the script run only once, I called it in a dedicated "Run Script" element and then removed that element from the info.plist file. Too bad, that there are no install/uninstall events. But this could be something I should request in the "Feature Suggestion" forum. What do you think?
  20. Hey guys, I've been writing some workflows that are using a few copyright protected icons, for example the Parallels Desktop icon. To get around the copyright issue, I came up with a script that can generate the icon.png file. This script needs to be call once and it would be great to do this when the workflow is imported. Is there any way to call a script on WorkflowImport? Regards, Fabio
  21. I've just updated the workflow. Could you guys give the new version another try? If you have more ideas how to improve this workflow, please feel free to mention it here!
  22. Thanks for the feedback! I've already found the problem and I'll fix it this weekend.
  23. I've just fixed some minor bugs and updated the workflow. Could you please check again?
  24. Hey gr4z, could you provide some more information that could help me identify and solve the problem? Can you post the debug output? What's the name of your VM? Let me know if you need any help. Thanks
  25. Hi guys, This workflow lets you quickly check build statuses on travis-ci.org. Github: https://github.com/fniephaus/alfred-travis-ci Download-Link: https://github.com/fniephaus/alfred-travis-ci/raw/master/Travis-CI-for-Alfred.alfredworkflow
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