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Posts posted by ascandroli

  1. Hi @Benzi


    I also did a new version of ctwise's Menu Bar Search, but in plain ObjectiveC. I didn't know about your swift version. :(

    I'm using Alfred's Script Filter to do the filtering and I was wondering if I could use your swift code to do the menu scrapping and generate the output in Alfred's Script Filter JSON Format.

    I went to look for the menu.swift on github but it looks like it's no longer available. Is there any other repo where I can get the code?






    ohhhh I probably wouldn't have done this new version if I knew about Benzi Ahamed's swift implementation. It's fast indeed.

    I think the sweet spot would be to have a swift version of the menu scrapper but let the Alfred's Script Filter do the filtering.




    Hi guys.


    I've created a new version of this workflow with some improvements.


    * Instead of a keyword I'm using a hotkey to trigger the workflow. I prefer CMD+SHIFT+SPACE but this is configurable.

    * Instead of filtering in ruby I'm using Alfred's Script Filter.

    * I've upgraded menudump to support Alfred's Script Filter JSON Format (https://github.com/ascandroli/menudump)

    * I'm using the new "match" field to match against parent menus too. (requires Alfred 3.5)


    Using Alfred's Script Filter JSON Format makes this workflow very fast.


    Please take a look and let me know what you think: https://github.com/ascandroli/menudump/releases/download/1.8.0/Menu.Bar.Search-v1_8.alfredworkflow






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