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Posts posted by cmsj

  1. Hi


    If you're typing away in IRC or IM or Word or whatever and you want to just quickly grab the URL from the tab you were just looking at in Safari, this is the workflow for you.




    It's hotkey based, so you'll want to go in and define a hotkey.


    There's also an alternate path which runs the URL through a shortener (tinyurl.com specifically).


    This was heavily based on "URL to Clipboard" by Michael Matochkin. Thanks Michael!





  2. I like it.


    I've just posted v0.6 which includes a variant of your patch (deals with all the ssh_config pattern characters) and Bonjour discovery, along with much better error handling (e.g. complete failure if you didn't actually have a ~/.ssh/known_hosts or ~/.ssh/config file). Enjoy!


    Very nice. I noticed that "broadcasthost" shows up if I happen to type any of its characters. I'd not come across this before in OSX, but it appears to be an alias to, so is probably worth filtering out at some point :)

  3. I had considered adding parsing of .ssh/config, but mine contains a lot of wildcards and other such cruft. Once you've connected to a host once, it's in your .ssh/known_hosts and good-to-go evermore. Does this addition make your workflow noticeably better?


    NB: I've already added Bonjour autocompletion to my development version, including full Back to My Mac support. Will post soon.


    Good point about the wildcards, my patch is not doing enough to exclude them. Should be sufficient to skip any line with * or ? in it.


    For me the killer feature of entries in the ssh config is that I can fake the name to combine various settings and then set the real host with the Hostname option. In that situation, the Host does not end up in known_hosts.


    Love the sound of Bonjour and BTMM support :)

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